He is forever endeared to me for doing the filthy smooth “Nutmeg” on the Colbert Christmas special:
He is forever endeared to me for doing the filthy smooth “Nutmeg” on the Colbert Christmas special:
“glaze over”. nice.
I converted my lawn to moss, so I don’t have to mow or fertilize or aerate or apply chemicals, and it takes a hell of a lot less water than a lawn (if any). But you do have to get the leaves and acorns off, and a rake would destroy the moss. (A light sweeping with a broom can be ok.) So I looked for the quietest…
I converted my lawn to moss, so I don’t have to mow or fertilize or aerate or apply chemicals, and it takes a hell…
I think you describe this phenomenon well and true, and I don’t think it lessens the truth of that in the least to allow there’s a related phenomenon that dudes in that messed position will definitely attract some young, unstable women with ambitions that are messes too. Shit’s complicated and messy. Add alcohol and…
I can corroborate your analysis; thanks for articulating it. And I salute your resilience, stranger.
From this article, it appears there’s a picture of a bruise that someone got from a bottle, and sadly, that’s where the kind of even casual reporting you’d expect on this subject ends. Beyond that, it’s just unquestioned and unsubstantiated secondhand hearsay, presented as fact, that there were other, vague, assaulty…
Holy shit! And his defense of himself is basically the same as his defense of Paterno, that despite being a fully functioning and highly paid professional adult, he literally has no idea of the most basic things he’s involved in.
Best comment of thread.
Interesting that no one wants to compare this kind of behavior to the behavior of the USWNT v Thailand. This article reminds me that we obviously understand what sportsmanship looks like, and that we admire it, and that we abhor unsportsmanlike conduct; it’s just that there’s reasons why we give the USWNT a pass. Why…
Oh god, and the “Tootie Nearly Gets Recruited Into Teen Prostitution” episode of Facts of Life.
We love these things. We have this exact model. My husband laughed at it when I bought it, but became a convert fast! We’ve never used an alarm since. It’s been 7 years. We just wake up to the light. It’s so much nicer than an audio alarm and leaves you in such a better mood than being jarred awake by noise.…
We love these things. We have this exact model. My husband laughed at it when I bought it, but became a convert…
When I lived in Mexico, the bootleg dvd video rental bodega had a copy of this. Whoever pirated it clearly didn’t watch it and so the cover had a halfass translation of the title as “Aventura in Alaska” (“Adventure in Alaska!” Whee!), and it was filed accordingly in the kid’s movie section. (!!!) Always imagined there…
Came to the greys just for this. Magnifique.
Amen. Sneering down at people for not having the same education you did is asshole behavior. So many people’s selfworth is way too tied to how “smart” they are.
I have a terrible feeling the other driver and he were friends leaving the same party.
I move we replace all the horses with these:
I don’t think it’s fair or reasonable to assume PhD’s don’t switch to teaching high school because of “an ego thing”.
For one, teaching high school might bear almost no resemblance to the career the person pursued the PhD for. For instance, there’s certainly no research or publishing components, which are for many…
Me gusta.
Underrated comment.
And with Craigslist, you can get that shit directly from the previous owner without the antique store’s markup.