
This is a helpful tip, thank you!

Crazy fun, best thing I ever did: Tag the things you will be bummed not to get a certain price for, and then, for everything else, LET THEM PAY WHATEVER THEY WANT FOR EVERYTHING ELSE. All the little knickknacks, doodads, less-than-perfect things, anything under $10 pretty much, I just let them pay whatever they

Thank you for that perfect example! I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that when your 10 year old cousin popped you in the face, which actually hurt you despite your height and weight differential, YOUR RESPONSE WAS NOT TO PUNCH HIM UNCONSCIOUS. Am I right?


alternate: "Chicago - they call it the home of deep dish pizza. After last weekend's shooting spree that left sixteen dead, they should call it the home of six-feet-deep dish pizza."

well said, thank you!

I'm glad this came up! When I was younger, I had a lot to overcome, and one of the things that got me through and helped me understand and relate to the rest of the world was literature. "Hamlet" was one of my favorites and I chose "Ophelia" as the basis for my password. Later, I realized that doing so had the

Yay! Glad y'all are embracing that side of things. I've found many useful things on lifehacker - I particularly like the comparisons of different app/tech options, but the ones that were BY FAR the most useful were the job-searching ones - I will take this opportunity to say THANK YOU so much - I owe my job to

So now you are saying that these two things are *exactly* the same:

1. guys turning to awful/dumb person Megyn Kelly for news analysis because she's hot
2. women saying (presumably) awful/dumb guy in mugshot is hot

These things would only be *exactly* the same if the women were trusting the mugshot guy for news analysis

You are trying to say that these two things are comparable:

1. men trying to make awful person Sarah Palin the Vice President of our country because she's hot
2. women saying awful person in mugshot is hot

They would only be comparable if the women were trying to elect the awful person in the mugshot to the second

Sporty moms: "No shit."


This is a perfect illustration of this phenomenon, thanks:
"Bad things happen that doesn't give anyone any excuse to be a bully".

Now instead of having an urgent discussion about the real-life dead-serious issues women face and how we can all help to solve them, you dismiss those as "bad things happen", and turn the

If you read the link, you might have read this:
"As in the case of "nice guy", the term "tone argument" as used in feminist discourse is more specific than it appears. It does not refer to an argument as such, but to the use of an argument to ruin conversations and silence people.

It does not necessarily mean that you

You're arguing against a straw man. No one claimed you were telling people to say more nicely "I strongly dislike men" or "all men are jerks". I guess you did not read the link.

If Manziel were black, this scouting report would not be news-worthy in the least, because it all would have been said already ad nauseum in the media - all they would have been talking about for months would have been his "character" problems and how that might affect his draft - ask Cam Newton. The whole reason

Yes, indeed you are right - it is now a conversation now about the tone because you jumped in and made it that. It WAS a conversation about how important conversations about real-life problems women face are derailed by people whining about the tone. And you jumped in to illustrate how it's done.

The thing is, women