
You know why dads get in the habit of telling dad jokes and generally being corny goofballs? Because they’ve run out of fucks to give about whether people think they’re cool, so they’ve decided to amuse themselves.

Like every other person under the age of 40, you care about your pride and social standing, and feel that you have been slighted. There’s no practical benefit in feeling that way, but it’s part of being human.

So are the butts. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

1. I know

Aren’t these the names that super racist governor of Maine kept claiming black people were using while impregnating pure-as-the-driven-snow white girls in his state?

Bruh, dem dudes got enough on their plate trying to impregnate very white girl in Maine.

I don’t see the problem here, all this woman was doing was making a strong play for Ambrosia’s former gig at the White House as some sort of black person liason.

Lord save me from all this performative white innocence.

Shit is already released though. There’s no take backs in internet. They could sue her but what to do they win? Unless she has bigger bombs she’s holding back, but since her book drops today you’d think this when she would drop her biggest mixtapes. Unless she’s holding onto something in case Mueller comes knocking.

She might catch heat for her latest mixtape; she didn’t get all of her samples cleared

Dis’ bitch! What is wrong with this woman? What happened in her life to be like this.

Eh...I don’t know about hero, but Omarosa is bringing the noise.

There are no heroes, but it’s good to throw all the cockroaches out in daylight to let them scurry around and be seen.

... This is one of those situations in which there are no heroes.

Trump would ask his black preachers to help him fight Lebron. Only to be surprised when instead they ask Lebron for donations to continue god’s work of buying them a jet. 

In addition to all of his other “wonderful” traits (liar, racist, ignoramus,  woman-hater, would-be dictator), Orange Dumbass tops them all by being a whiny bitch.

Really once. He fed their sense of self entitlement by winning a title for that woeful place so he’s one of the “good ones.” They prefer honorable men like Urban Meyer and Trump.

Say it loud in the back so the meth heads that attend his rally’s can hear you. These losers talk a big game and have none of the sack to back it up. To hell with them all. Trump is the perfect leader for them since he pretty much is all hat and no cattle.

Yes, she and their children deserve that money. If he’s amassed that kind of wealth (like any CEO, Hedge Funder, etc.), his children are entitled to live in the same style as their father, just away from him. I do not see a problem.

Almost choked on my coffee at “Dances with Thugs”