
Tami, go sit down and shut the fuck up. You dropped your public pro-choice position pretty fast when you lost that job, you are the moral arbiter of nothing.

“I just think it’s funny that...”

“Ohhhh.... so it’s like that, huh.”

You mean that time that a football game happened in the middle of a Prince concert.

I’ll take what I can get man.

That’s some straight-up wanna-be dictator trash, but #TRE45ON didn’t think it up by himself.

More additions:

How are you just gonna ignore one of the blackest moments in that scene: The fact that there was an empty 40oz btl there for Stony to pick up to threaten to hit Cleo over the head with. C’mon, champ!

I have been to Festival about 9 times, and the main reason it is because of reason #4, I always come back because I feel like there is a part of the city I did not see. Because of how crowded it was this year at the events (I did LOVE seeing you and Panama in person, by the way!) I think my next visit to NOLA will