
We’re just ordinary people/we don’t know which way to go

I’m thinking with those Tweets somebody on Auntie Maxine’s legal team needs to file a counter-suit for slander and ask for punitive damages and drain those Trump supporters’ “contributions” right out of Miss Racist Becky’s bank account — as well as filing a complaint about her behavior with whatever professional

Trump staff gets politely asked to leave a private business for non-protected reasons and it is “uncivil.” Trump deplorareporter causes a scene completely out of line with actual reporting and likely with the intended outcome of trying to find cause to either sue or splice audio together later, and this is totally

Where’s colonizer?

We need to start putting this in context for the taxpayers who fund the police.

Or he’s guarding immigrant babies right now. Seems right up his alley.

Most likely. They’re shuffled around the country like pedophile priests.

What’s that cop up to now? I’m assuming he’s a cop somewhere else.

NOT a stan (okay, maybe a Jay stan but still...not Bey) and it is so true. People find the most ridiculous “reasons” instead of just ignoring an artist they aren’t feeling. I have no clue what Nicki (Nikki?) Minaj does with her life cause...shrug. Don’t listen to her music, don’t care. But non-fans of Beyonce cannot

Sorry Nasir, but you can’t release your indie film the day before Black Panther comes out and expect to make money 😉

And this is why the “Kardashian-West power couple” will continue to play catch-up with the “Knowles-Carter power couple.” Bey can sing. Jay can spit bars. Ye can spit bars. All Kim can bring to the table is “dat booty” which, while I admit is quite impressive, isn’t exactly “media-compatible” to Ye’s art.