
Sure you can, my 24 year boycott of Starbucks is going great.

Can you boycott a place you never shop?

Since it’s not my article, the only clicks I’m getting are from you (which is why I wish I could disable notifications, because I have actual work to do). I also don’t have a yard, since I live in a downtown area on a high floor with a view.

That said, if I did, and you dared call yourself my empathetic neighbor, or

First of all, I don’t hate anybody; it’s neither my style, my inclination, nor my “brand.”
Second, don’t touch my stuff, or any stuff that doesn’t belong to you. That’s not racial; that’s basic human courtesy and adulting.
Third, the minute you deny that white (or male, or straight, or able-bodied, or light-skinned)

See? This is exactly when white folks don’t appreciate the depth of their privilege. I mean ... I can understand her disillusionment at being arrested for petting a dog that wasn’t hers, which I’m pretty sure she didn’t realize still falls under Statute 416: Don’t touch my hair.

I can’t laugh at this.

I’m not saying black people can’t show their whole ass at weddings, but we at least have the common sense and the dignity to keep that drama away from the people who aren’t family. The messiest black wedings are mostly family affairs; the more co-workers and distant cousins and people you invite just to fill out the

That fat fuck is not 6'3".

This shit right here is why I deleted my account but I debate whether I should re-activate it to make sure a post isnt made about me 🤔