
I guess his initial hot take didn’t get the support he’d have hoped.

I used to work for 911 and I quickly lost count of the number of people who called to report a suspicious black person. When asked what made them suspicious, the caller would always say “well, they’re black” or “they don’t belong in this neighborhood” or something along those lines. 99.999999% of the time, said person

I would have preferred he not get bail. He straight up tried to kill a child.

I’ll try not to get too happy about just charges being brought, but it sounds as though the judge who issued the restraining order and the D.A. at least have their heads straight with this one so far. Lock this murderous racist piece of shit away.

Ha! YES! It was one of the first stories I saw this morning, and I was mad that people were being so rude and disrespectful to me when I’m sick. I think I made it 15 seconds in before turning it off.

I understand that’s what you wanted this article to be about. This article wasn’t about policy or black gun ownership—I have written extensively about that here, here, here and here.

Jessica Williams, Serena Williams, and Francesca Ramsey are all dating or married to white men. While they’ve gotten occasional flak, their defenders outnumber their detractors and their credibility as proud black, outspoken women holds firm. I think this is as it should be, but I am curious about unpacking that

God, the headlines about this terrorist are driving me nuts. This one in particular:

I will never not be amazed at white people’s ability to other every single terrorist that comes from their midst.