
Snubbed, rejected! The shame! More like she didn’t noticed. It can embarrassing when you offer a hand or a high five or whatever and the other person doesn’t notice, but I wouldn’t say she snubbed him. lol, the drama!

Lol. George Burns?! I was born in ‘84 so I missed the era of marching bands and drill teams, but that sounds more appropriate. They had a magician one year? Haha.  I don’t watch the Super Bowl so it’s funny that I even care to comment, but everyone is always talking about it!  I generally end up watching the half time

Part of me does think it’s kind of weird they don’t have more family friendly performers at the Super Bowl because they know a lot of kids are watching but I get it... they want what’s hot and what’s hot is typically not for kids... but I also don’t think a violent sport that causes brain damage is for kids either.

Yeah, I feel like I’m missing something... also “As he’s putting out a song about being blindsided, he’s taking half the house that he didn’t pay for.”  What does writing a song about being blindsided by your divorce have to do with also following through with the terms of your prenup?  

I don’t care for Madonna’s whole aesthetic currently, but comparing woman and how they are aging is gross.

Goat eyes!  That’s brutal... I’ve never heard that one before. Lol.

This is an issue with art and political correctness. It’s a derogatory term, but it’s true to what the characters would say/think. Characters are going to have flaws and that may be following cultural norms.

Yep, yep, you are right. Megan Fox was on the sitcom Hope and Faith with Faith Ford and Kelly Ripa right around the same time.

Friends with Kids... that movie by Jon Hamm’s ex-partner... Adam Scott, Jon Hamm, Kristen Wiig, Mia Rudolph are also in it.

I know they aren’t a favorite, but I’ve always liked them even as a kid so I still buy them... for leftovers, but also to snack on while I’m handing out candy. Lol.

American neo-Marxists and their “takeover” of “elite schools and universities.”

the media wants to put out a perception that being overweight is the new goal” Kanye misinterprets a lot, but this is one that he’s not a lone in believing.

I don’t think there is so much public outrage as there is rubbernecking. People are caught up in the drama. I’m sure there are some real stans who really liked the very public married couple who are outraged, but I think that’s a small portion of people.

I grew up in Duluth. Definitely had some snowy Halloweens though I think most of the time snow hold off until Thanksgiving, occasionally even Christmas.  That’s the worst.  Everything is cold, brown, and dead, but the magic of the snow is missing.

I’ll definitely keep my eye out for them this year. When I think Hot Tamales, I think of getting them at the concession stand at the movie theater when I was a kid. I have about zero modern memories of Hot Tamales.

Releasing a video addressing controversy is always going to be performative to some extent. They took all of 5 minutes to confirm all the rumors and explain why they weren’t posting as much content as usual. They apologized to their staff for having to deal with this BS and asked people not to harass the women

He’s definitely not going to be Billy on the Street in this movie.

Lol. My favorite MN Halloweens are when its so cold out, the kids are so bundled up you can’t tell what their costume is supposed to be. Never forget the Halloween Blizzard of 1991.

My siblings and I were pretty good eaters as kids, but my dad still had fun with gross out names. Chicken wings were dragon knuckles, couscous was frog eggs, capers were boogers...

I hear you, but sometimes they won’t try something because they think they don’t like whatever it’s called. But then you call it something else or something more fun and they are willing to give it a go and then they actually like it.