As a Minnesotan, I’m surprised by Hot Tamales. I can’t remember the last time I’ve had them. It’s not even that I don’t like them. I just don’t even think of them.
As a Minnesotan, I’m surprised by Hot Tamales. I can’t remember the last time I’ve had them. It’s not even that I don’t like them. I just don’t even think of them.
His Parks and Rec character was definitely over the top. He’s good when he’s playing a more real person. I liked him in College Friends and Difficult People even though overall I didn’t think either show really found it’s footing.
I totally love romcoms and Billy Eichner, but I don’t go to the movies at this point in my life. I will definitely stream it someday.
Yeah, I agree with this. While I think there are some people that use their family as their brand, I think it happens just as much that people project that label onto them, which I will say is the case for Mulaney and Reynolds.
I think similar to how we always get more and more new content about Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley. It’s like every decade there are new adults ready to hear these stories.
Yes! This is just like the article and comments I read on Jez about the head coach/Nia Long’s partner. The article itself made it sound like he was disciplined because he cheated on his partner and a lot of the comments are like that’s his personal life why would his employer care... ITS NOT OK TO BE IN A POSITION OF…
I am embarrassed to say that I did cheat on partners in my youth, back when my life was wild and crazy and constantly moving. Now that I’m settled down and married, I mean I’m more mature and I love my husband so much more than anyone I dated when I was young, but also goddamn, who wants to put the time and effort…
That’s a good point. I’d not heard of this movie until right now and I feel like normally his movies get lots of hype especially due to their A-list casts. Though I will admit I’m at a point in my life that I’m not paying attention to upcoming movies.
I wonder how aware celebrities are when fans are harassing other people in their name. Is Gomez aware of this? I would think you would want to address your fans if they were participating in this bullshit. Not that they can control what fans do, but just to let fans know you don’t think its cool.
Maybe the Charlie’s Angel opportunity presented itself so she took it as she thought it was the only opportunity she’d have to do an action film, but rebooting a franchise was bad idea. And it’s a franchise that already has problems with feminism... so there is no way those aspects wouldn’t be magnified.
And is he going to face charges?
The David O’Russell stuff is far more disturbing than any of the DWD drama, but it’s also not new information to the gossip world. I thought there were going to be stories about the making of this movie, but all the stories have previously been reported. So DOR has already received a pass from the public on all this…
If the director has started up a relationship with your co-star, I imagine things could get awkward. It’s also very unprofessional.
Right? He’s been a performing musician for what? over a decade now? He’s had plenty of shows and interviews to get comfortable in that setting. He’s not instantly an amazing charismatic actor out the gate? He’s getting lead roles when most people would slog along in bit parts before a big break... it all makes…
I did think that I would end up eventually watching this on Netflix, but talking CGI fetus? Nope, I’m out.
I did really like Once.
“I look forward to sharing a lot more about this situation as soon as I can.” - Tiffany Haddish
Never saw that one. My one thing I really like that involved Adam Levine is Lonely Island’s “YOLO” song/music video.
“Ray J said they recorded three to give Jenner options to choose from, and she selected the one that showed Kardashian in the best light.” EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.
No matter how brilliant the movie is, I can’t imagine a 13 minute applause for a Marilyn Monroe pic. The story is too tired. There are already at least a million versions out there.