
I don’t know if this dig is because Nick Kroll is a comedian and comedians aren’t known for being fashionistas, but he and his bff, John Mulaney, are both known for being pretty well dressed.

I don’t know. That is interesting to think about.

This is a really good example of why you shouldn’t body shame anyone. People are like I don’t feel bad making fun of Elon or Trump... etc... but the physical appearance you are making fun of could be something someone else reading the comment is really insecure about.

I was looking for this comment or I was going to make it.  Elon is a gross human being, but there is no reason to comment on his physical appearance. 

When it first became I thing, I would complain about it. It seemed like the machines were so much slower than the ones that checkers used. You would scan something and wait.... until it acknowledged the item. And it was more glitchy. And I hate change. But in this day and age, I don’t mind it at all.

I will check that out. Another is Obvious Child starring Jenny Slate.

Is this a joke? This is such a cliché article. The same article that is written anytime a famously beautiful woman is cheated on. People assume someone’s level of physical attractiveness should make their partners incapable of cheating on them. What does that say about less attractive people? Of course, she was

I was looking for someone else to make this comment. I’m so confused why one would cut a frozen pizza unless they are only planning to cook half of it for some weird reason. Wouldn’t the sauce and cheese run over cut edge and burn up in your oven?

Red Baron was the go-to frozen pizza in my house growing up. Somewhere along my way to adulthood I switched to Jacks (probably a roommate’s preference combined with how cheap they are) which I like Jacks fine, but now I’m questioning why I haven’t switched back to Red Baron.

I would never try to convince anyone that Jacks is the best frozen pizza, but it really hits the spot for me.

Are you still a stepdaughter after the parents divorce? Shouldn’t she be “former stepdaughter”? Or am I missing something?  I mean it is still gross as fuck, but I was like “How is he still married to this woman’s mother? What does his wife think about this?” Come to find it’s his ex-wife.

From the post: “Imagine being villainized simply for venting you didn’t want to continue working on a project you’ve already given five years of your life to, in a moment of frustration.”

I knew she had ribs removed to make her waist smaller!

I’m sure Kim was fine with Kanye dressing the kids, but would she let Pete dress their future kid? IDK and I’d bet we’ll never find out.

OK, I was wondering how he was drunk in at the bowling alley when he was under 21. Thanks for clearing that up. And I agree with everything else you said.

I was about to comment something similar.  That really surprised me that parents of an adult can do that.

I definitely do not think the term was coined by this website. And I think your really overgeneralizing what men and women want. Sure, there are definitely some people looking for those things.

Haha, yes. I was going to say Jersey Shore era was the first time I heard DTF. According to google, Seth Rogen invented DTF which was used in the movie Superbad. But Jersey Shore cast definitely had a hand in the popularity of the term.

Yeah, I don’t get why it’s cringe except maybe using the slang BDE and DTF?  I would never! lol.