I normally comment on Dirt Bags, but I feel lost today. I couldn’t care less about Matthew McConanana getting into politics. I don’t feel comfortable commenting on people’s bodies. I will not click links to TMZ.
I normally comment on Dirt Bags, but I feel lost today. I couldn’t care less about Matthew McConanana getting into politics. I don’t feel comfortable commenting on people’s bodies. I will not click links to TMZ.
Call me naive, but I never assume celebs are in fake relationships for publicity. Especially ones that last more than a year. Who has time and energy to keep up that charade? People will be like they are just together to promote their song or their movie or whatever, but it’s a fairly common thing to date people your…
Agree. He looks like Tommy, but even though he’s thin, but he doesn’t have that long, string bean look that Tommy does.
While I totally agree with everything else you said, I still like Lady Gaga and my inner art kid totally relates to her.
Reading that back, that part was more harsh than I should have been. I don’t know what was up my butt. I just think she’s criticizing people for speculating and then also vaguely stating people are ignoring “really specific public signs and actions” which seems to invite more speculation.
I’m on the fence that their relationship was fake. It doesn’t seem like something Kristin or Robert would go along with. They were both so young, but why would they continue to keep up the charade? Why would she keep talking about it to this day.
Their hearts can’t break because they are all dead, right? Or most of them at least? IDK, I didn’t watch the show.
I totally get not wanting to be open about a new relationship. Like what do people expect, they barely know each other. Are they supposed to give monthly status updates on how things are going? But if she’s going to spew this kind of nonsense, she might as well keep saying nothing at all. Now commenting on it just…
I guess this all ties together nicely, but honestly, Dawson’s obsessive crush on a person he barely knows, but he projects ideals onto? That’s what kids do, isn’t it? I did that all the fucking time in my youth. And then when they didn’t live up to the fantasy in my head, it was crushing.
This is just a guess, but based on Shailene’s woo woo alternative medicine ways, I would guess she’s anti-vaccine.
I forgot she was with Aaron Rogers when I heard the Aaron Rogers news. I don’t know much about him, but it makes more sense now that he’s unvaccinated. She seems like the type that would be anti-vax and all like sun beams and walking barefoot in dirt will heal us.
I’m a Minnesotan, land of pop, not soda or coke. I grew up mostly saying stuffing, but I would hear people say dressing sometimes, too. I do remember debates about it.
Ooof, while I’m glad people are calling out Pratt, I’m not sure how happy I would be if I were Faris and my name was trending about this bullshit. I hope she feels the love and support. And I hope her son never hears about this.
So you think when she was on SNL, he was all “Hey, can I have your number?” And she’s like “Only because you dated Ariana Grande and Kate Beckinsale.”
I can’t believe how often there are stories about her and her Instagram controversies that are so totally boring. Why is this shit getting picked up? I don’t get it.
Ah, thank you.
The part about watching NASCAR was really the most surprising part of this story. I just want to ask him... why?
Yes, same. I thought the last one was mean and I got bored and didn’t make it through. This one had some eyes rolls and then I fell asleep. I actually put off watching this one because I disliked the last one so much I was just checking it out for the controversy. Everyone saying “People are commenting without even…
That’s some good gossip from James Caan. Not that I haven’t enjoyed some of Will Ferrell’s movies, but it’s not like he hasn’t made some bad ones. They wouldn’t have been open to script changes? But I also don’t know anything about movie making.
I love that the big issue he and everyone supporting him keeps saying is “you can’t comment on it until you watch the whole entire special”. The special has been one of the most watched things on Netflix since it dropped. Of course Netflix isn’t gonna pull it. Plenty of people on both sides are watching. Previously I t…