Regarding Chris, you are nothing if you aren't engaged. Lol.
Regarding Chris, you are nothing if you aren't engaged. Lol.
That’s not how I interpreted the article. I think they were taking objection to the term “prop gun” assuming that all prop guns are not real firearms. I don’t know much about “prop guns” but that doesn’t appear to be true. A prop gun can be a fake gun or it can be a real one that is being used as a prop. So the point…
I see you point, but also the most classic date, dinner and a movie, the same thing happens. You spend 90 minutes not talking. But there is the dinner part, there is the part after bowling/ movie where you can really talk. I'd say you are right for first dates, but it's not a terrible date choice.
She shares the same sentiment as my husband. He’s a pretty easy going guy in general and pretty game for most things, so I fear he’s had some terrible bowling experience that he is keeping secret. How else could he have such an immense hatred for bowling? He lived right near a bowling alley when we started dating and…
Dude!!! I hadn't seen a pic of him in a while. This post made me go follow him.
Yeah, I think Beanie was trying to be as nice as possible. She didn’t know what the gossip was about and she doesn’t know Lea Michelle personally, but Lea wrote a nice message on her Instagram. None of that is shady.
M&M’s are also not good if they are too cold. For a long while in my youth, my favorite DQ Blizzard was M&Ms. Crushed up, hard little M&M’s shards... why? Why was I doing that to myself?
They aren’t comparing the most portable candies of all time. They are saying of the top ten best selling candies which ones are the most portable. Smarties are not a popular candy. They are chalky garbage... that’s a little harsh. I can’t even remember the last time I had Smarties though. I agree about Starburst; I…
Holy shit, I forgot about that! Rewatching the video it seems more like his hair dresser was throwing punches and he was just deflecting, trying to make it stop. Damn, though.
Aw, celebrity gossip. I’m both intrigued by the alien debate and totally turned off. I have a rule about never clicking links to TMZ, however, so that is saving me from know more. LOL.
I know Dirtbag is snarky, but that blurb about Kumail seems rude unless I’m misinterpreting it. He was excited about his body transformation and shared it with the world. He never had people focus on his body and looks before and realized how uncomfortable it makes him. For him to acknowledge that, I think is…
Zillion Heir?!!! Killed me.
There is no backing out now. They've shot the movie and it's being released later this month. I wonder if she'll comment on it though.
That last part about Zazie reminded me of the Sarah Silverman article yesterday. She brought up Kathryn Hahn being cast to play Joan Rivers. In her actual podcast, which they didn’t fully cover in the article, she says Kathryn Hahn is a great actress and that she probably will be great in the movie, but it’s also…
I guess the question should have been “why am I surprised by everyone’s surprise?”
Rachel Brosnahan (Mrs. Maisel) is not Jewish. It’s noted in the article.
I believe she’s speaking of Jewish ethnicity, not religion. Also, I’m not saying anyone has to do anything.
On the other hand, just because I was watching Impeachment last night, I will point out that Beanie Feldstein is playing Monica Lewinsky.
This is like when you see how they do advertising for food. They use all these different products to make the food look super appetizing to the point its no longer edible.
I know that people with long nails are like “Oh, we figure it out how to live with them.” Just like some women choose to teeter around on the tallest of heals all the time. But the other thought I just had was changing diapers. Oh man, wrestling a kid through a diaper change while having these talons near their…