
Guess you’ll have to wait for her to iron it out and unveil her explanation to world.  I, for one, am holding my breath!

My 14 month old is obsessed with silverware lately. I constantly have to pry forks out of his hands so he doesn’t trip and fall and poke his eye out. My immediate thought if I had those finger nails I’d poke his eye out myself attempting to get the fork from him. lol.

Ugh, I work in the construction industry and there is similar ideas about passionate, fiery abusive people, but they make sure the job gets done so people ignore it.  Times are changing though, Ellen.  There is no fucking way I would ever call a coworker a motherfucker in an argument.  That is terrible.

Lol, good point. He’s also been married three times before so maybe he’s just used to talking about splitting up in terms of marriage.

I don’t think they married. ANYWAY, totally had a similar thought. She gets off on being weird. No way she gets any sympathy from me for shacking up with Elon.

“How many tampons can you fit in that bag?” sticks out as such a line that a man would write for a woman to say.  Aside from that, this looks entertaining.

I would have also guessed it would be mandatory to be vaccinated. My first thought was maybe she is vaccinated and this is a made up storyline for the drama... but these dumb-dumbs seem like they have too much ego to lie about this kind of shit.

16 months old. I don’t know much about babies, but my 13 month old only sayshi” and “uh-oh”. He better get his shit together if he’s gonna keep up with... What’s his face... X æ blah blah blah. 

I have to imagine they won't be doing accents, right?  Eh, maybe they will.  Can't wait to see how that plays out.

Kim has tons of things she could be promoting.  She has TV shows, fashion lines, skin care lines... who knows.  I don’t know what she’s currently promoting, but she has tons of things she could be promoting.

I’m sure minimum wage laws came into place because everyone was being paid too much.

Yeah, it seemed like the author’s main issue was cliché tattoos are dumb. But things are cliché for a reason. I agree, lighten up. Let people enjoy their tattoos. It’s not about you.

I think the other issue people have with meat is the environmental impacts.  Eating less meat is better for the environment.  I’m just waiting for eating bugs to catch on...

Lol. True.

That is interesting to know!  I wonder if it was never offered to her or if scheduling just never worked out.  Understandable why she might be bitter. I don’t think it’s smart of her to take to twitter about Kim though.

I love that it’s just fun, harmless celebrity gossip. They may be putting on a show, but I haven’t seen anyone claiming the relationship is fake. Harmless, silly PDA from two fairly boring celebrities.

Literal lol from me on this comment.  The math works out.

Yes!  I imagine trying to appease the #FreeBritney squad would be it’s own kind of hell.

Most people I know take a break from social media when things aren't great.  Though I can see how having people scrutinize everything you do would make you want to take a break even when things are going well.

As a millennial that had a geriatric pregnancy last year, I guess it fits me.