
Yeah, the only reason I changed my name is because I wanted the same name as my kids so I’d probably do the same. My husband said we could choose any last name that’s already in our family trees. A couple of friends came up with new last names when they got married. He didn’t want to do that.  I thought his last name

I think it’s weird that Megan thinks he should have been able to figure out she was American by the other movies she’s been in. You would think he would know she’s not British just because she’s an A-list celebrity and we tend to know these types of things about very famous people.

Totally with you.  TBH, I haven’t listened to her post-Lover stuff, but I still enjoy Reputation.

They played romantic leads in Super Intelligence so they have had time to work on their chemistry. Their relationship was the best part of that not very good movie.  And Bobby was a real sweet heart in it.

Mike Schur wasn’t really a costar. He had such a minor character on the show. Did he even talk? It sounds like it was a writer/actor on the show and pitched it as something their character would say. I think it probably was BJ Novak. It would make sense for his asshole character to make an asshole comment like that.

Honestly, I think it could have been anyone (probably a dude).

I remember seeing Gattaca with my parents and I really liked it. I thought it was so cool. I was in middle school and when plans for my first ever “double-date” came up, I suggested seeing it at the mall. I think my mom dropped my friend and me off without the knowledge we were going to meet up with our “boyfriends”.

I remember being really excited to see They Came Together and then I think I was so bored that I didn’t even make it through?  Is that right?  I don’t know.  I just know that I was definitely disappointed.

I follow her on Instagram and she is putting herself out there all the time and seemingly in control of ignoring the assholes. But I’m sure the assholes are constant and generally she’s comes off as fiercely strong and positive. I’m sure sometimes it hits her harder than others and I think it’s OK for her to share

Yeah, I’m not sure I understand her decision either. Was she scared to go back to being a struggling journalist? Probably. Was she scared she was rushing out of a decision as quickly at she rushed into it (marriage)? Maybe. I think she lacked a lot of self confidence and part of her liked Shane for taking charge. Then 

For sure. There is no way that his mother would not be calling the police immediately.

I was happy for Quinn. It took courage to do what he did, but then again, he will have his family and their wealth to fall back on if things don’t work out. He could likely end up some rich guy taking his kids on vacation to the island telling them epic tales from when he was a teenager.

I thought that was weird, too. Maybe the two bedroom wasn’t available. Would have been nice if they threw in some dialogue. Nicole could have said “Olivia, by the time you and your friend decided to come on the trip with us, the other rooms were booked.” Or something.

She’s self-aware to a point.  I feel bad that she made promises to Belinda that she is definitely not going to keep.

I knew there would be a swing in the other direction when brows start getting insanely thick and bushy, but I didn't this it would be this.

I typically just do the pits, tits, and ass when I shower which is every 2-3 days. I definitely think we as a culture shower too much and use soap too much washing away good bacteria and oils, but I also think everyone is so different regarding oily/dry skin and how much they sweat and everything. It’s hard to say

My dad didn’t wear deodorant either!  I cannot get away with that.

Yeah, someone less press savvy may have given a more interesting answer, but Damon’s boring-ass non-answer is the smartest way for him to answer.

Hmm, interesting. I was wondering what the context was as she makes it seem like it came out of nowhere. Honestly Bill Murray is so weird, I was kind of like maybe it did come out of nowhere. Though sounds more like he was feeling cornered and lashed out at someone he thought he could get away with lashing out at.

Though it is rude to say this, it is fairly obvious: it’s boring to watch conventionally attractive people complain about their looks making it harder for them to date.”