
He’s currently dating someone 27 years younger than him. She was a teenager when they started dating... so yeah, I think your vibes are dead on.

Are they still married? If so, it was probably worth it to them to break the code. The world is a cruel place sometimes.

According to the article she shared a fan’s pic of their tattoo in the past and people thought it was hers. Its unconfirmed whether this time the tattoo is her tattoo, but based on the history, probably not.

I think I understand his point when he said his opinion isn’t relevant. No one wants to believe their good friend is capable of doing terrible things.  It’s difficult to process.  It sounds like he’s on a path to understanding. He seems like a thoughtful person. I hope he gets there.

I think she knows and does not give a fuck.  Which is probably the most likable thing about her?

Good point.

Totally, but also, maybe they want to spend some times with friends. I’m sure Courtney has plenty of room. No one is sleeping on the couch or waiting in line for the bathroom.

Thank so much!

As a mother of a nine month old, I related a lot to this piece. It has been weird not sharing my sweet boy with my friends and family as much as I would have without the pandemic, but there have also been some silver linings. I’m fortunate that after maternity leave I have been able to work from home and that my son

Its happening right... Now.

While writer number 2 has low self-esteem and it would definitely help to talk to someone about it, he likely also is looking at his new love with rose colored glasses. His boyfriend probably is attractive and gregarious and all that, but I’m sure he has flaws and insecurities, too. He’ll likely learn that if he

Same. I kinda feel like I had that glass shattering moment when I read it was basically a prank show. Granted I haven’t watched the show in like 20 years, but from memory the designer constantly would make choices/choose colors the people specifically said they didn’t want.

Omg, yes!  I didn't see it til you said, but they really have similar features.

I personally like the more natural look.  I’m trying to picture a dark lip and I just can’t.  I think it would be too much.

Yeah! Getting an entire cake made just for the baby and the specific label “smash cake” is relatively new to me, but the tradition of giving a baby cake on their first birthday knowing they are going to make a huge mess and you’ll get some good photos for the family album is definitely not new to me.

The nice thing about the picture of Travis and Kourtney is that it’s not edited to hell. It’s the kind of picture Khloe would try to have removed from the internet.

Is your friend part of the 19 Kids and Counting family?!  Lol.

I was really bummed after the second season when the show was going on an indefinite hiatus. Looking forward to season 3, I don’t mind the character pivot.  It’s the story telling that was great, not necessarily Aziz’s character.

For a second, I was like she has really nice handwriting.  Lol.  Got me.

I hear what your saying, but also, if I were to say, “Let me look up direction on my phone.” No one would blink an eye.