Ag Obair

It’d be great if one of her white neighbors saw this and put up Tigger flags to see if it’s a problem

Not only do you have to think about the office where you’re working but the entire building. What precautions has the property management taken?

Yes, I know my response is more fuel for your clickbait article, but this is one of the worst advice columns from Lifehacker.

if you’re bothered by that, you won’t like the rest of the movie :P

The peaches in the vid above sounded like they were days away from being mushy. I wonder if the trick would still work with a mushy peach.

that looks delicious

I was an asshole to my younger brother growing up, so I bother him as little as possible, birthdays & holidays. Once in a while I’ll get a text from about some geek culture, and reply but that’s all.

I think your article has great advice, however not knowing if the person next to me at the bar has been fully vaccinated or not (and that its a socially unacceptable to ask) is why I’m still avoiding crowds.

As someone who’s been told a lot, we can still be friends, it’s that line which ensures I’ll never hear from them again even in this digital age.

Dave Grohl belongs in the Mr Rogers, Bob Ross, Steve Irwin, LeVar Burton group of nice guys as the rock n roll representative

We all do, its that barmaids have higher Charisma which give them bonuses to their roll vs your charm :P

We’ll have to keep each other updated and see who gets to try it first. I still have 5 months on my current lease. 

The best thing I saw on the internet about wearing a mask was;

Hopefully I can find an apartment with a covered terrace so I can cook outside next summer.

ala the final season of The Good Place. sure enjoy ultimate bliss until you’re ready to let the wave return to the ocean.

what if we’re already dead, and the day to day we experience is “life flashing before our eyes”?
