@avclub-ea098057cb0d1379deaf8c1cf4a1fe3b:disqus Er, what? What's the joke then?
@avclub-ea098057cb0d1379deaf8c1cf4a1fe3b:disqus Er, what? What's the joke then?
I enjoyed reading this. But, come on…
Oh come on Joe, it's only like 10% of the comments.
Maybe there is an episode where the get to second base under mind control or what not just because the absurdity of a Buffy/Spike pairing would be fun gag
Oh yeah, everything up to the submarine in the waterfall was magical.
I don't think Uncharted got a poor reception? But yes, the never ending hoards of goons nearly ruin the game for me (and, to a somewhat lesser extent, its sequels).
Wait, that isn't how it's pronounced? Aww I've been making an idiot of myself! (I'm not a native speaker. I thought it was like how Arkansas isn't pronounced are-kansas)
@avclub-0840875a9da6f24c4e0fc883b399d93a:disqus Re: Scrubs, I also feel like I want to chime in on those boards, but I never have anything to say despite watching it religiously back in the days. I feel like comedy is harder to analyse somehow. Or maybe I just lack the proper 'tools' to discuss it. Even the Simpsons,…
I think people tend to get a lot of stuff off their chests below the first few articles of classic recap runs ("omg Logan is the WORST", "Remember when Joey and Rachel hooked up in the ninth season, that was the WORST" and so on) so I'm not sure it's all Sim's fault. But yeah, I'm also worried they'll yank the feature…
The point of comparison is that in both cases one character is aggressively protective of Rory, and we the audience are supposed to find it really sweet (I think). And it doesn't quite work for me in either case, though I agree that the Luke/Dean thing was worse.
I think Joey's reactions to Buffay the Vampire Layer indicates that he has Phoebe on a pedestal, and sort of a madonna/whore view of women.
Much like Luke's papa bear rage directed at Dean last season, I don't find Lorelai's hysterical reaction here particularly heart warming. And the scene with her sleeping in a chair next to Rory's bed, and Christopher showing up… it's just a bit too sentimental for me (especially since Rory is totally fine). I think I…
He does make a few good points about the flaws of Jess' characterization though. How we don't really see any of this "off the rails" stuff at all, making Lorelai's reaction to him completely unreasonable. I mean they were going for ice cream for chrissakes.
Really, so what's the nickname? Put it in a rebus or something.
I remember loving it but *SPOILER* being a little disappointed in the ending, expecting everything to come together in a nice little package. But it's possible I was just stupid, there might be a philosophical lesson in there somewhere that I missed.
So when Claire disappeared for two seasons and resurfaced as a weirdo, was that because the actress quit or had a baby or something, or was it a deliberate decision?
I was a little disappointed in Lars and the Real Girl, going in thinking it would be a story about a man who developed feelings for his sex doll (whom he was, you know, actually having sex with). Instead it's kind of a sweet romcom, nothing wrong with it really - it's just that the premise sounded so dark and…
Don't those games have difficulty settings? Ain't no shame in switching to 'easy' you know.
I have a soft spot for Lady in (of?) the Water. It's just such a perfect B-movie, and Giamatti's presence makes it never boring. Shyamalan's role as the 'writer who will change the world' makes you feel so embarrassed for him though, it's almost painful.
* standard boilerplate no-one will ever see this statement *