@avclub-dd447685c5e7ee4499734a2074294b82:disqus @jlk7e:disqus They discussed 7th Heaven fairly recently here: http://www.avclub.com/artic…
@avclub-dd447685c5e7ee4499734a2074294b82:disqus @jlk7e:disqus They discussed 7th Heaven fairly recently here: http://www.avclub.com/artic…
Great tips, everyone! Most of you mentioned this… *checks title* Samurai Champloo so I'll probably start out with that.
Yeah, I guess that was kinda like saying "recommend a movie"… I just figured if there were any undisputed classics on there. I think I'm up for any genre.
Bought Earthbound, legally available in my region for the first time ever, woo! Yes, I could have pirated it at any time (and I have, too, but never played more than 20 minutes or so) but this is more fun. I find it incredibly charming (we'll see if that's enough to outweigh the inherent tedium of JRPG:s for me to…
The AV Club
Ahhrg that's where I knew John Slattery from!
@avclub-667a0b7862bb9382e28a19b634fc7f3c:disqus there, there. Yee shall both get the likes!
Watched Disney's the Hunchback of Notre Dame for the first time since it was new. That was some pretty heavy stuff for a kiddie flick, what with all the racism, sexual obsession and Christian concepts like "sanctuary"! Not to mention the prominence of gothic architecture (look at that beautiful stained glass window,…
I expected him to get off easy, like with a year in prison or something, but for society to actually say "naah, you did nothing wrong"? Just, what the f***ing f***?
@avclub-82ce793b52b4f8893511fbdd2cd97e81:disqus One of my earliest memories of being… disappointed in a work of fiction is from season 5 (I was maybe 12 years old at the time). I just couldn't understand how Rachel could be interested in 'Danny the yeti' in the episode following the one where she confessed her…
The finale rang so false to me! It seemed like Rachel was really forcing herself to go along with it. And why did she have to sacrifice the amazing new job in Paris? (yeah, yeah - Ross had tenure).
I don't remember her coming off as horrible either. I guess Sims just relates super strongly to Lorelai :)
Yeah there's straight up child abuse going on in some of these episodes. With a humorous twist. It makes me a little uncomfortable.
Aha. I think I'll just try to keep the seasons roughly in sync then, and not worry too much about individual episodes. Thanks for your input everyone!
Is there like, a guide, to watching Buffy and Angel the right way?
Those are great, especially Atlantis. Love the look, the setting, the cast of characters - far from your usual Disney clichés (I kind of hate the "oh we all speak the same language because Latin or something"-scene though).
So… week 1 without Google Reader, the thing with which I've wasted about 3 hours a day for the last five years. I honestly wasn't that worried, thinking my app of choice (Reeder for Mac, costs a couple of bucks and everything) would step up and I wouldn't even notice the rug being swept from under my feet.…
Yes, do elaborate.
Not sure if trolling…
Yeah I imagine AV-clubbers in general don't keep up with the latest releases even if we still read, because there are so many older books one still hasn't gotten around to that are probably better (and cheaper) than anything released this year.