Crusty Old Dean

Ooh you're right, I'd forgotten all about that. Mostly though we are being told not shown…

She does work hard, I'll give them that. Come to think of it, I don't think there's really any indication that she's of above average intelligence - she's just a very diligent student and lover of literature.

Oh my god how did I never think of this.

I don't find it so hard to believe that someone who's been told she's the second coming all her life would fall apart the first time she's really criticized. Also, Mitchum has a point - she really does lack the chutzpa necessary to succeed in her field of journalism (although the "you'll make a great assistant" line


I am always filled with a sense of perverted glee whenever Rory suffers a minor academic setback. Deep down I'm rooting for her, but I also really enjoy watching her get taken down a peg*. I guess it's part of this weird obsession I have with this show.

Not a big fan of the deer thing. What's her plan, break its neck?

I am convinced!

Yes, Angier's magic act is the culmination of the plot (even though not every step of the way is shown), not a "twist".

It's pretty obvious that Borden's "constructor" or what it was called is wearing some kind of disguise, and from there it's not hard to guess the rest (even though it seems so bananas that two people could keep up that kind of charade for years that I still wasn't completely sure until the end).

Well I for one would welcome the presence of h8ers. There are certainly many valid criticisms to be levelled at the show.  

that there were aliens I suppose.

@avclub-258a332837426b864b3cac780cf445c5:disqus  @avclub-6997a8bd0e1042b70b60c5c879a1780e:disqus Naah, most people on this site love Inception. To me the movie just doesn't make any sense. It's not that I don't understand it on an intellectual level - because it keeps explaining everything in excruciating detail - I

Me too, I had to have someone explain the joke to me like last year since both "clitoris" and "Dolores" have to be pronounced oddly to make the joke work (Dolories rather than Dolorehs). Felt like an idiot.

I would prefer Mad Men without the stolen identity plot. It's a bit too soap-y and it would work just as well if Don were just a self-made man who cut off all ties with his humble origins.

I read somewhere, probably on this site, that the opening map of Africa has Casablanca in the completely wrong place… If true, that's something.

Question: I've never read Calvin and Hobbes, is it something worth getting into now or is it mostly for kids?

Everyone rallies behind her like she's the Chosen One or something, it's a bit ridiculous.

@avclub-e1e84d33778737c0a16ede94d51f3752:disqus There's just no way to buy that they're the same person. I think the young girl even looks vaguely hispanic.

If I could get a wee bit personal for a moment, these early seasons really strike a bittersweet nerve with me. I'm about the same age as Rory in "real time" (I believe she's born in 1984) and I see so much of my younger self in her, before I grew up and realized that I wasn't a genius just because I made good grades