Crusty Old Dean

aww, yeah… They should give like, a warning, before they take stuff away. Give us a chance to code some automatic-pageviewer or something.

Didn't she date Jerry on Seinfeld in one episode? Was she the girl who never changed her b/w outfit?

Me tooo I've been eagerly anticipating this moment since Todd mentioned it was "in the pipe" like six months ago! I won't let this go quietly into the night like Dawson's Creek.

I appreciate the opportunity to discuss old shows that will likely never get the TV Club Classic treatment, but the theme of each roundtables series has so far felt a bit shoehorned into the proceedings.

Also, what happened to the West Wing TV Club?


I would argue Downton Abbey recovered somewhat from the ridiculous WWI-season (sorry, series). It will never be what it once was, but still.


Saw Beasts of the Southern Wild and mostly liked it (heck, nearly any movie these days that clocks in in 90 minutes is a-ok in my book).

@avclub-2699a553580f039ce51cb742ed676ad2:disqus all of those dudes are vastly preferable to old-sourpuss-backwards-cap-Luke!

Me too, I was sure he would snuff it while out hunting!

Makes no difference, Patrick was the heir before Matthew. However, scarred bloke was just an impostor (which was made perfectly clear by the end of the episode and I don't know why everyone thinks of that plotline as the show jumping the shark).

You can't blame Fellowes that a sudden departure had to be arranged. I think this is probably why the storylines have been so weak between
Matthew and Mary this season: Fellowes knew there could be no follow
through on anything he set up.

I'm still clinging to hope of that eventual reveal. The "my-wife-killed-herself-just-to-spite-me"-explanation is just too stooopid!

I'm still clinging to hope of that eventual reveal. The "my-wife-killed-herself-just-to-spite-me"-explanation is just too stooopid!

How so?

I believe he's heading to Broadway, which I can totally see. The big screen, not so much.

As a little kid, this movie actually had a darn right profound philosophical impact on me. You imagine these bickering women in their broken bodies floating in space long after the Earth has perished and go "huh, maybe the inevitability of death isn't such a terrible thing after all…"

I don't remember this at all. What happens after the "They called me mr. Glass"-reveal?

One more vote for Conan: I've always wanted to show my fiancée some of the stuff from the Finland-arch.