
Oh god, this reminds me of the time my cat ate a jade plant and the vet told us to give him a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide to make him vomit it up. Cat refused to vomit, so the vet told us to give him another teaspoon. Cat still refused to vomit, so we had to take him in to the vet, where they gave him three more

Freud was just as dangerous, if not more...his unfalsifiable theories set back the study of mental health and neurological issues by decades, not to mention the misogynistic implications of his work.

If they do not cast David Giutoli as Prince Eric, I may have to boycott this film. He literally IS Prince Eric, it's like they grew him in a lab

This is a serious issue. I also have a serious problem with gendered individual bathrooms. I see a fair number of them in my area, and they are so incredibly pointless - if you are perceived as the "wrong" gender using them, you easily may get grief, when you couldn't be sharing the bathroom with someone of the

There was also an obsession with dunkable snacks which offered no nutrition whatsoever and hooked a generation on cheez and processed sugars for life.

They make a caffeinated one now?! May God have mercy on our souls.

For some reason now I really want an Airhead. I ate way too many of those when I was a pre-teen!

My mom worked at McDonald's at night while she went to school during the day and tried to support high-school me. I think the low point was when the owner of the McDonald's convinced people to sign up for Thanksgiving shifts with promises of free meal tickets if they worked at least 6 hours. When it came time to

If my parents had been the ones to adopt this dog, then found out what happened, there would have been an "I'm sorry, kids, the right thing to do is give this dog back to its owners." The fact that they're not giving her back means they are just as shitty as the people in the shelter who made the decision.

Also, I wanted to loudly heckle the real life Philomena.

That said, I fully endorse this joke because I will never get tired of watching actresses pretend to eat food.

Germans can have national pride too but that doesn't mean they should start putting swastika stickers on their cars. That flag, whether you like it or not, is a symbol of a horrific past for a large chunk of our population.

This is nothing compared to the horrifying Birthday Suit Bear.

Here's the thing I hate about this "debate:"

That is amazing, I'm grateful she shared this with us.

Mark, this is a wonderful essay, and I'm glad someone wrote it. I especially appreciate your last paragraph. My sister died from her addictions a few months ago, and while I'm glad to see the increased conversation about addiction and relapse (though could really do without some of the harsh and judgmental comments

Dear Powers that Be at Jezebel:

Yes, our female Olympians should be speed skating, bob sledding, etc., in khakis and denim.

I don't care what you say, I love that movie and think you're overlooking a lot of great positives: