Whether or not she can deduct the stolen inventory doesn't make it okay. Why are you trying to excuse someone stealing thousands of dollars from a woman's legal small business?
Whether or not she can deduct the stolen inventory doesn't make it okay. Why are you trying to excuse someone stealing thousands of dollars from a woman's legal small business?
Lily doesn't even restrain herself that much. She looks like your typical house panther, but she has the Siamese body and the Siamese voice and she just walks around the whole goddamn house meowing like she has a film crew behind her. She's doing it now, at the bookcases. I suspect she's tossed a toy under the sofa…
So pretty! Um, and as an owner of a half-Siamese who doesn't take after her momma at all in appearance but in most ways in terms of personality, let me say that if you adopt a Siamese cat, you will never come home to a lonely quiet house. In fact, you may never have a quiet house again.
I don't think he is a pure siamese, he looks like a snowshoe!
Rules for when to say "ghetto"
Also, she was probably born in 1996. Just putting that out there so the commentariat can feel the grossness I currently feel answering this question.
Silver Lining Alert!
She was also probably not responsible for the Atlanta Olympic bombing.
That's not nothing in a relationship, you know.
Pulling out is a great birth control method if you aren't trying, and you also aren't not trying.
Pretty sure lots of really poor people are still really good parents and don't encourage marijuana use in their toddlers. Ditto teen parents, even those without means.
So at what point do we get to say that you guys are picking on people who are mentally ill? I get that's she's a fun troll to poke and hate-read but it seems like she also has an illness here. It's pretty obvious she's channeling her self-hate outward. Having dealt with an eating disorder myself—and having had many…
This was brilliantly written. Bets on how long until Tracie is headhunted from Jezebel? This was probably one of the best researched and articulated stories I've read on here and that's being said by someone who has been reading Jez since its beginnings.
Oh? Are you diabetic? Do you know exactly how it works? I've never passed out, and I've been diabetic for 31 years, but I know it's always a possibility. I have to have my doctor sign a letter for the DMV every fucking year to say that I am capable of driving, and if my doctor says I'm fine, YOU CAN GO FUCK…
I'm diabetic, and I live in absolute terror of things like this. What if I'm accused of a crime I didn't commit? What if I pass out behind the wheel and they chuck me in jail for DUI? Jesus, this country can be a scary place sometimes.
This is my favourite such exchange:
I'm with you. I don't see any hostility og bullying, other than from some commenters.
(As an ex-NJ waitress turned California paleontologist)
The thing that slayed me was Boehner's quote about referring to women as "females". Wow, good start on "reaching out", dumbfuck.
When I was a kid my biologist dad got us Zoobooks, and we were pretty obsessed with them. Each magazine was focused on a different type of animal or animal theme and had tons of kid-level information and lots of pictures. We kept them for a long time instead of kind of just tossing them out like you do most magazines.…
The problem with shows like this is that it greatly inflates the perception of risk by giving "balanced" and "equal" time to each "side." Whether or not Couric intends to, by giving equal time to people who believe (possibly incorrectly) that their child died from a vaccine to a position that says "this is totally the…
Well that's not where I saw this article going.
Julie Andrews is allowed under the old Hollywood "all foreign accents are British accents" law.