Might be that Houston has a high water table so basements are not possible. Just a guess. Perhaps someone else more familiar with the reason can chime in.
Might be that Houston has a high water table so basements are not possible. Just a guess. Perhaps someone else more familiar with the reason can chime in.
This is why vehicles like this need a rear view mirror... to see the status of the bucket.
There’s chasing down someone and then there is following. Everyone complains about motorcyclists and finally a video of a motorcyclist doing a good thing comes our way and we criticize them. C’mon, seriously? This motorcyclist followed at a safe distance throughout. Though, acceleration at times was aggressive, he…
Unfortunately, that Dashcam and it’s fish eyed lens will not producea readable license plate no matter the resolution or with lossless compression
Unfortunately, that Dashcam and it’s fish eyed lens will not produce a readable license plate no matter the resolution or lossless compression.
You raise good points and I have to agree with you.
No one, not anywhere I have been reading, said that they did not want closed cockpits because they look ugly. Are you indeed making this up? Because EVERYONE who is against a closed cockpit took that stance because of the concerns associated with driver entrapment.
If you cannot accept any form of negativity regarding a device you designed because of safety reasons, especially from those who are professionally part of your organization and will be using the device first-hand, then you have a serious recipe for a disaster. If one of these professional drivers has a reasonable…
Self leveling
This very thing happened to me:
You’re an idiot. Gasoline is stored in sheds all around the world. Gasoline is stored in shops all around the world. He’s an idiot for not being careful. And he’s a bigger idiot, for thinking he can lie and blame the dealership. Hell, both of you are idiots.
So it’s okay to lie? No wonder why you like President Goofball. GTFO here with your fakenews shit. This guy was trying to blame the fire on the dealership and would have tried to sue the dealership.
He lied. He was exposed and caught. Have a nice day.
NASCAR sucks.
Thank you! In my defense it was really late but my statement still stands.
I don’t think the amount of stupid you are exhibiting an be quantified. Lamen terms... You’re really stupid.
I watched the video as well, and tho it was not clear, that light flashes red when the car’s body, which is otherwise grounded, becomes live, due to the isolation of the electrical components being compromised. The video makes it seem like the flashing red light is something that can occur with regular use... but…
Tell me again why I wasted my time watching this?
What does it take to get through that amount of mud shown in that video? Is it even possible to make it through without getting stuck?
Actually it was a real game. It was a prototype/demo pre-rendered for the movie called WIP3OUT ... It is what we what we now know as WipeOut.