
You’re pretty much the reason why Twitter has become so toxic and losing popularity.


My educated guess would be that the higher-performance cars that you are referencing have an increased wheel diameter for traction and stability purposes. The larger wheel offers tires that are wider and therefore allow increase stability and traction that you otherwise cannot achieve with narrower wheels.

You are just way too good at being clever.

It’s been said that somewhere these 2 vehicles are still feuding to this day...

Replied to the wrong comment.

At night, I see way too many drivers on my way home from the rock gym who forget to put their lights on. They will enter the highway on-ramp without headlights on. Sometimes I wish I could ask these people how do they not recognize their lights are not on.

I still have it and no longer require it since I no longer own the 2003 Tahoe. I would happily sell it if the Downloader is compatible with your vehicle.

When it comes to engine performance, yes. I can see you just like to argue and are looking for an excuse to have a classic internet argument session by picking apart every word I said.. You won’t get that from me. Good luck on finding what you are looking for.

I was running 22” wheels with low-profile tires opposed to the stock 16” wheels. This downloader allowed me to specify a wheel size which adjusted the ECU to compensate for the size difference.

Bold statement but I would say you are mistaken. I was able to, in 2006, to calibrate my speedometer correctly, and increase the all-around performance of that Tahoe.

I had a 2003 Chevy Tahoe that I installed a K&N Sport Cold Air Intake in. Upon doing so, I thought that I needed a tuner in order to get the proper performance so I purchased this:

If I may Raphael, the reason why this article triggers so many members of this community is because it seems to take a neutral position on street racing and street drifting compared to the past articles featured on Jalopnik. I understand that this is written from a first-person perspective but this was the first

Here’s a different clip from his stream where the shots can be clearly heard:

This whole opinion -> LUL. People are supposed to listen to the opinion of a rap battle spawn album wriiten by someone with “Internet Culture” as their title?! GTFO here. You’re a clown.

Kill it with fire. It’s a hazard to anyone who unfortunaetly finds themselves on the road at the same time as this thing.
