
If we step back and look at it from a different perspective, you can clearly see the issue... Hyundai knows why it’s breaking, the technical reason, which I’ll explain. Joey’s weight, being 300 lbs, is compressing the seat enough causing the seat to bulge enough that the seat cusion is now exerting force on the clips

You do realize EBM is electronic punk, which is basically electronica with rock, metal, growling, or all 3 elements incorporated in the different layers of the music. So in a way, you are listening to music influenced by rock, just delivered in a different way.

See my original reply to this topic - Pendulum ftw

Now playing

No. This song sucks and is horrible. Way too slow to promote driving fast. Here are better suggestions...

That’s why you’ll never hear this “jamiroquai crap” during in-movie car chases or scenes.

Well this is what asians do when they are not destroying people at Starcraft, League of Legends, F-Zero GX... in other words...

LMAO - That was great and now my co-workers are wondering why I’m cracking up...


It’s no use, Trump supporters live in an “alternative facts” world because they suffer from anti-intellectualism.

It’s called anti-intellectualism which seems to be so eloquently on display here from BigDub and other “alternative facts” supporters.

Correct, Trump supporters only care about “alternative facts.”

You cannot expect a sensible discussion with an irrational & delusional person. Like other Trump supporters, you’re so hopped up on the fact Trump won that you’re blinded from seeing the truth. You can go ahead and live in an “alternative facts” world clouded by your “anti-intellectualism” but those that are of a

Thanks and thank you for taking the time for that explanation.

Thanks and thank you for your response

Thank you for your explanation. So the rider could sense or feel that the rear “bucked.” I am assuming, since I am new to this behavior, that once the rear of the bike bucks, recovery is not an option because the rotational energy forward cannot be overcome. Is this right?

I’m so confused. It looks him letting go of the bike is why the bike flips forward. Can you or someone please explain to me why the rider had to bail?

You were amazed with that many men?! That many men would have had no problem with pulling that car upwards if it weren’t for the lack of traction and/or grip in the snow. Probably would have been easier if they had more men pushing from the front.

HAHA Okay... How? Like seriously... HOW?! This has improved my day, what otherwise has been a crappy day for obvious reasons.

I just tried to watch one of the live streams and I just can’t. Soon as I saw Melania Trump and her resting bitch face wrapped in what looks like a fancy snuggie... Nope. Cannot do it. I’m out.

Well if you went with how many times Trump presents himself as an idiot, or how many times he makes that stupid hand gesture, or how many times he lies to the people, or how many... ahh everyone would just die from alcohol poisoning.