
Question: With the snow that packed and the extreme level of spikes on both tires, was it really *that* difficult and dramatic for a professional rider?

Hahaha!! Schaweeeet!!!

But those Maple Cookies though...

Okay. Well when these electric cars start making coffee or hot chocolate, and frying an egg or two, powering a blender so I can blend stuff, while powering a flat panel TV, and charging my iPhone, all while achieving a 2.4 second 0-60 time, then we’re talking :)

Correct. 0-60 times in an electric car is like comparing how fast a light bulb can turn on and achieve brightness. Completely useless. On the other hand, 0-60 times with petrol-based engines is a completely different story.

0-60 times in an electric car is like comparing how fast a light bulb can turn on and achieve brightness. Completely useless. On the other hand, 0-60 times with petrol-based engines is a completely different story.

“I bet our light bulb turns on faster than your light bulb...” Cue the eye roll ladies and gentlemen.

Oh from a weapon point of view. I understand now! Thank you very much for taking the time to explain that to me. Cheers!

Just because Apple filed a patent, was granted a patent, does not mean the technology exists, is developed, is feasible, or is plausible. It is preposterous/asanine to think Apple could be liable. Let me give you an example...

Is it wrong that I want to smack that kid upside the head?

Whatever it is that they are performing in the video is not drifting.

Haha me too. I’d be armed with a bunch of post-its! I’d try to limit my counting piles of 10 only. Soon as I have to say to myself a 2 digit number, the odds of me screwing up definitely increases. Seriously, it would suck.

I love the reaction... No no no no

For me it would be like...

You’re logic is definitely not solid if you actually bought the nonsense you stated. The moment this asshole mentioned Hillary as soon as someone pointed out Trump’s incompetence is the moment this troll presented themselves. By mentioning Hillary in that regard, they are saying, “So what?” and by saying they are not

You defend Trump everytime you try to counter Trump’s incomptetance, intelligence, history, lies, etc. by mentioning Bernie or Hillary. You voted for Bernie which means you indirectly voted for Trump. Your statement about not believeing in binary elections is bullshit. This WAS a binary election on election day.

You spit facts, after facts, to back your shit up but here is one fact you fucking forgot to state - Your precious Trump, the one you are insisting on defending, does not believe in facts. So all your facts don’t mean anything. Until you get off your soap box that you’re using to defend the idiot we are about to have

Good. Glad you cleared that up. Now go away because your opinion is way the fuck off.