giant rubber duck

Oh barf!

Wait, that's your excuse?

Your teacher who turns out to have had confused sisterly feelings with romantic feelings due to magic-induced amnesia that made you both forget your shared childhood together.

Offering + Genji Glove on a level 60+ character with dual Atma Weapons equipped FTW. It's how I was able to regularly beat Chupon at the Colosseum.

The Soup 2.0

They should just bring back Oliver tbh. His brief run as TDS host was fantastic. But considering the amount of freedom he has at HBO, I doubt Comedy Central could entice him back.

I agree with you; if the film is 100% faithful to the source material, then it should bomb hard, because the last thing we need is a hit movie telling society that it's okay to tolerate abusive relationships disguised as a poor facsimile of BDSM.

It gets the opposite reaction from me, but that's mostly because of the nostalgia factor. I'm 90s-loving trash.

Aw man, I d-aced it.

How ironic.

I read that in Hunter Gathers' voice. Perfect.

Yeah, North Philly is just full of crackheads, not drunken monsters.

That fun. song is the exact same goddamn song as Simon and Garfunkel's "Cecilia".

I really wish there were more hit songs that utilized odd time signatures. 4/4 is so played out. Give me pop songs in 7/4 time!

R2D2 it! Beep boop beep!

Cyril being a secret elevator buff was also pretty enjoyable.

Although he did insult her flapping and wildly unkempt vagina later…

Oh my god, do we work in a coal mine?!

"I am figuratively starving."

Steven Universe thread: