What if these same companies sold their watch faces on the play store instead?
What if these same companies sold their watch faces on the play store instead?
That's what I do. It's like the sets have a "practice build" to get familiar with the unique parts.
Yeah I agree with Brian on this one.
Probably for the same reason the first Moto X had a hidden LED.
They're too tall. If I can't bite the whole stack, it is not a perfect burger.
Can somebody just make an album of random workplace recordings for me to play in the background of my everyday life?
It looks like... something I should be grilling.
Wow, that looks like a beautiful job (except for it being a niche market).
I have a Google Music sub. Does this now mean I have a YouTube Music Key sub as well, r does it only work in the other direction?
I'm an ex-smoker, with one year clean after four years smoking two packs a day. I tried using vapes and e-cigs to quit, and in my experience they only strengthened my nicotine addiction. I've only had negative results. The way I quit was 100% cold turkey, with no "substitute" or nicotine filler. But when people use…
Yeah, let's just skip over this one.
It's all a matter of perspective.
I still use that card, and the looks and questions I get are worth it. Especially when they ask "do you need a receipt" and I go "Nope, just got one on my phone".
Reminds me of Motorola's Spotlight app, which I promptly disabled the moment I found you about it.
I'm reading this on a tablet, and its no better
That last one is nightmare fuel
Even with all those "facts", keep your vape outside. I don't want to have to smell that.
So do you think you could use Android's "Mock Location" function to trick it? It would actually report that you are moving down the road.
Honestly, I just wanted to skip to the results.