A Giant Orange

How much beef is in the girl stuff bacon burrtango, with bacon?

I actually enjoy 3D movies, in 3D. I have no problems with it, despite having an astigmatism in one eye.

How else would one make a tablet? Triangular?

They point sideways. Like Megan Fox's.

There aren't any Sony stores where I live...

Looks almost exactly the same as their last two generations of controller. Oh Sony...

I'm happy it has a similar look to oblivion. And I remember how nice Oblivion looked when it came out. As did Morrowind. Come to think of it, Bethesda makes some sexy ass games (mainly in TES series, though).

Makes me wonder what the Argonians will look like

They also have bat(?) noses. Or something like that.

I ride hands-free. I learned this through texting while riding. Now, even if I'm using the handlebars, I still lean the bike to turn. I almost never rotate the handlebars, as it makes the bike less stable.

Maybe they will be really narrow blades, so the razor won't be and inch wide. Plus, I really like my Gillette fusion. The 6 blades are nice.

Lulz, I love 2101. I remember when that meme was birthed (on the internets).

Zune did that too

That's what I was thinking. How am I supposed to play tennis with that? That's the one thing my Wii still gets used for, and I don't want to throw a screen at a screen. The idea behind that makes my brain hurt.

I'm not sure exactly what the caliber was, I didn't get a good look. They looked like slightly smaller than normal AK-47 rounds.

The back of Google should be a black hole, sucking in all the internets.

I'm an adult, albeit only 19, but I used to carry one in my pocket for a while.

The screen will be no larger than 480p in resolution. and Probably the graphics of the DS or something.

But without "touch" they just aren't the same.

Hmm... You reminded me of something. One of my friends found about 20 live assault rifle rounds on the side of the street. Forgot what caliber, but they all work. He still has 'em though.