
my exact expression when i read this. we abandoned the accord, we lost the right to bitch about it

I mean, Orange Mussolini torpedoed the deal because Obama made it and his racist ass wants to destroy everything the first black president accomplished, not that shocking that Iran no longer feels they are bound by it.

From what I’ve seen and experienced, most of these Republicans start out as entitled brats who have very few skills but plenty of connections through their private schools. I knew a Young Republican hypocrite scumbag who went to school with the sons of governors, mayors, and other elected officials. Talking shit on

This right here. Why is everyone so afraid of standing up to him? He’s a fat racist sack of shit with the intellectual prowess of a box of crayons. There is nothing intimidating about him. His entire life has been a fraud and he would be begging on the street if his father hadn’t funded his nincompoopery.

Don’t worry. There’s still time. There’s still a whole year of catastrophe to see what happens.

We have been so, so, so lucky that there hasn’t been a serious national security incident or issue during the Dotard’s presidency.

And the head of the NOAA is:

Yeah!!! Punish him for things he’s only at this point is being accused of without even conducting an investigation, or questioning his motives to determine an acceptable punishment if necessary!!!! Yeah!!!

He was also charged with having way too many names

You said it. The conservative faithful won’t buy the official explanation for a minute; they’ll be screaming for more watchlists/travel bans/deportations/public beheadings any minute now.

He will probably not have to worry about the cost of room and board for a while.

Dear Dude who did this,

Yeah, but is a hot dog a sandwich?  That’s still the main question.  If so then are these hot dogs?

Ignoring everything else you said for a moment, I have to ask... why did you censor the word “idiot”?


Yep. All that taxpayer money is being spent at Trump-owned resorts:

Yeah, Puerto Rico is well represented on the list. Remember when a top HUD official resigned because the president was trying to stop Puerto Rico from getting hurricane relief funds?

Readiness Center at Arroyo (Puerto Rico) - $30 million

Being held hostage. By a government operating like a terrorist organization.