
Boy, reading with attention sure is hard.

You really ought to invest a bit more effort into actually comprehending what you read.

Sounds like the beginnings of a commercial.

I say boy I say boy...can you hear me now?

“Huh ok I guess I’ll just vote for trump now!”

Excellent use of the two-part joke-comment format.

I’m now being told the Zion they’re referencing is not the same thing. My bad.

Nice detour on israel; note that no one actually brings up what China is doing to it’s Muslim population because no one wants to upset them and jeopardize business interests with the world’s second largest economy. 

you seem salty and prejudice. 

Now playing

How can you do an article on google translate and leave out the link to this frozen remake of google translate;

Why not fuck off?

He’d probably phone up his Fox buddies so often that they’d eventually give him a regular spot. It’d be like a Fireside Chat from Hell.

The Saudis are not our allies. We should not be trading military technology with them. We should not be supporting them with our military. They are rampant violators of human rights and a state sponsor of terrorism.

without twitter, how would the orange asshole even be able to rant? would he constantly just call press conferences of his own on the WH lawn? would the press even bother?

These networks, which consist of a mixture of bots and abusive nationalists, have become incredibly common. Qahtani made a habit of harassing Arabic-speaking activists and journalists online, as did the networks he helped build. But most of them will be back before long. Twitter isn’t that interested in actually

In response, President Trump immediately deployed troops to a parking lot outside the Twitter compound and is currently awaiting further instruction from the Kingdom.

Forward-thinking? The guy was notorious for barely working and passed the 1924 Immigration Act which severely limited who could come into the country. The guy said, “America must be kept American.”

W sucked, and wasn’t intelligent, but he did listen to his advisors. Lets face it, Cheney was calling the shots there.

Trump makes W look like a goddamn genius.

Coolidge was quite dumb, but at least he kept his mouth shut. Andrew Johnson was supposed to be pretty dumb as well but it’s tough to tell how much of that was just being drunk all the time.