
Old news! I read all about this in Taint Magazine.

Predatory pricing has been legal forever, or at least as long as the government doesn’t give a shit who suffers when the worst types of greedhead capitalism runs amok.

I love my country too, but the leadership can go suck ass. Can you say the same? 

Is your government your country?

There’s also this gem, several grafs down, which discusses Pelinka’s habit of sitting in on meetings that are usually for coaches and players only:

Kobe: Man, this is incredible. I can’t believe I’m having dinner with Heath Ledger!
Jared Leto: Yeah....

I’m more concerned about your intimate knowledge of “neckbeard nests.” How did you become so familiar with these, and is there like a spray that we can use to eradicate them?

what kind of asshole does such a shitty thing!

Influencers, meet your god.

I’m really hoping they use this for voicebanking as well. That would allow people who are losing their ability to speak to create and store their speaker encoder model and use for the future, speaking in their native language without translate. It would be MUCH easier than translate.

the hubris involved in trying to apply logic to a kardashian is as astounding as it is fruitless, jmofat.

why would you drink pineapple flavored coconut water when you can just drink pineapple juice?

not realizing that sooner really pisses me off.

i have experience with this company.

I know we all love to dunk on Facebook here, but expecting privacy from a messaging app, regardless of who owns it, is foolish to begin with.

Y’all know Zuck owns this now right? I’m not sure how much privacy you actually think you have here but you can go ahead and divide that by 1000 and you’ll be a little closer to true.

We should probably freak out a little considering we already know Jared Kushner was using it for official White House business.

30 characters is pretty brutal from a memory standpoint. I’m convinced most people could handle 15 characters of random garbage if they sat down and committed it to memory. However most of my passwords I don’t know on purpose. Memorization is THE ONLY reason weak passwords exist and by removing that temptation with a

Hopefully this will lead to automated, AI directed, air/missile strikes against robocall scammers. 

Didn’t something happened on another town in canada? Someone had a device that was stuck on transmit mode and no one could unlock their car?