
...4.5 years ago. (If you wanna see what that looks like today, just open up a blank document and stare at that white background for a moment.)

Here’s the street view. Bit of a hill there, and the neighbor’s a dick about his tiny lawn. Pass.

But can I have it delivered to my house in 2 days?

Back with a couple more links - interesting if you’re curious about Internet physical choke-points

they want a wall. Fine with me. How do we make sure it’s shut down in both directions?

Why shouldn’t it be a mass phenomenon?  Should we be writing to Nigerian princes on paper?  No, really.  Stopping development at the time when it was only usable by rich white people and students at Stanford?  Sounds awful.

At least Russia is paying for this wall.

Oh ho! Why am I also not surprised Wells Fargo is lying out of their asses as usual?

I’m sorry, at this point, any remaining Wells Fargo customers deserve what they get, the book on these assholes has been out forever.  

At the very least, they should split a McNugget Lady and the Tramp-style.

You’re laboring under the delusion that the other partner in this tango of two has ever kissed someone or even knows how to.

I think it was IDDQD, IDDT, or IDKFA.

Erm, 2nd paragraph in article: withdrawals that were done at around 12:00 am didn’t register in the system” - Konami code would have been too much to hope for.

He withdrew money over 14 months, put some into a personal account, bought stocks with others, and the bank believed he did it for testing purposes and should not be prosecuted?

Thank you for the serious answer to what I thought was obviously a joke. It works in all the movies!

The guy was probably at wit’s end because of finances and it’s a shame. There’s another shutdown coming in about 2 weeks because of Trump and we’ll probably see more of this...

Just skimming, but a guy kills himself and all the tweets are about the inconvenient delays he caused.

He probably shouldn’t.  I’m not like addressing personal correspondence to him here.

So it’s a modern eBaumsworld?

Does that guy want the camera to punch him in the face?