
I swear sometimes it feels like the 1920s all over again. Stupid dumbass gimmicks everywhere you turn and all of it bullshit cons.

To be fair I have had many “sealed” bottles of water full of booze when traveling so maybe they thought you were me??

Wah wah?

I’m beginning to think this whole “internet” thing was a bad idea.

According to the Egg’s instagram story 4 hours ago, Egg Gang merch is incoming.

It is almost like the TSA is completely superfluous.


He can bring a gun but I have to toss my toothpaste for being .5 oz too large.  Seems about right.

1) to make dumb people feel safe

The USA has the CIA.  Russia has the FSB.  The UK has MI6.  Israel has Mossad.  China has Huawei.

agreed, attempted murder this is. lock him up for 15 years

You’re engaging with someone named “Zombie Shooter”. They might as well be named “Comment Troll”.

You get a notification on your phone that says “The price of the item you ordered has increased XX% since your last order” and gives you an option to cancel.  You should work on commenting on topics you’re actually familiar with =)

So, you need to open the email to confirm. Meaning you are looking at your phone or computer anyway. Meaning you could have just ordered whatever on your phone.

Because that was the important part of this story ....

If you send someone with the intent of (or understanding of the possibility of) harm, then aren’t we splitting hairs? While the officers may not be committing murder, the caller certainly is.

Victims have been murdered by responding officers in the past.

A photo of the suspect was recovered from his FB profile.

The difference between Wag and Uber is that the dog can’t give the walker a fair and accurate review. Background checks will get a small fraction of some of the worst apples, at best.

If you’re too lazy to walk your own dog you shouldn’t have one.