
Weird that there are no comments here after 2 hours. I wonder why?

DJ Khaled’s wife posted bail and sent an Uber to pick him up.

Pointless and meaningless, like everything Biff does.

It was, in short, all a huge waste of everyone’s time, and the shutdown is no closer to being solved than it ever was.

So I am waiting for someone to figure out how to integrate this with bluetooth headphones such that the microphone in captures the voice of someone talking to you and you get a near real-time translation like you were watching C-SPAN. Sounds like we are realllly close. Not only would this be awesome for travel and

Looks like his girlfriend must be really happy.

He’s like Data from Star Trek but evil. No emotions, doesn’t understand humans. And all he wants is data.

So if he work the door bell for 3 hours how long will he work on the knob?

That quote was definitely the “is it in yet?” of doorbell licking.

Right? If I spend three hours licking your doorbell and all you have to say is, “You kind of laugh about it afterwards because technically he didn’t do anything,” that’s going to be a real blow to my ego.

Three hours? That is dedication to one’s craft.

That picture makes Legere look almost exactly like Bill from Kill Bill...

GMOs aren’t needed, and all they do is promote monoculturalism in agriculture, which is death to the environment and bad for us too, as you need chemicals to keep the plants growing and to ward off pests, again with disastrous side-effects for us and the environment.

There are no relevant credible citations to be had, but that doesn’t stop people from being GMOphobic, especially when there are people out there like “The Food Babe” who do nothing but spread fear and misinformation about anything GMO.

Go eat some organic, shade-grown, GMO-free death-cap mushrooms.

Sign me up for these immediately. Fewer items to chop = more time eating salsa.

Addictive tomatos!?

What about tomacco plants?


Its frustrating to be sure, but towing these trucks out of the way is just going to result in violence. The kind of bro-truck, redneck mentality that leads to them ICE-ing, comes with a hearty helping of macho posturing as well.