
I watched a gaggle of Canadian Geese wait for traffic to stop, then cross a busy street at a cross walk.

Funny thing about ducks crossing the road: I watched a gaggle of Canadian Geese wait for traffic to stop, then cross a busy street at a cross walk. They timed it perfectly - the walk indicator came on, and they waddled along in the pedestrian space. It’s an area of town where they cross frequently, usually not giving

I DESPISE these vape fuckers. I don’t know if you see it but they are basically marketing this shit to kids on major platforms such as Instagram and Snapchat. Eventually, when the kids get a vape in their mouth nobody gives a shit because “oh, Vapes don’t have any negative health effects!” Which I can tell you is

Their punishment will involve flying on RyanAir.

I was going to go on a long winded rant, but then I saw your comment and now I am going to drink some iced tea and read some Calvin & Hobbes comics. Oh, those rascals!

Trump’s answer to each of these ideas, in tweet form.

The sad thing is that estimates of the actual cost of a border wall range from $25 billion to $70 billion.

So assuming full size SUVs are roughly 6 ft tall, if the vertical scale is correct (although the horizontal scale clearly isn’t, as anyone thinner than Trump could easily fit through those slats), the wall would be roughly 40 to 50 feet. I wonder what holds these up, considering there doesn’t appear to be any

This is just despicable. Tobacco companies get people addicted to cigs, then vape companies sell the cure which they also get addicted to. And even worse, kids are far more likely to get addicted to vaping. And somehow it gets even worse than that.......... this group of blog sites actually downplays that addiction of

I am trying to dredge up a good reason to care about this. Was I promised an over engineered glitter bomb? Yep. Did I get an over-engineered glitter bomb? Yep. I watched the video, I enjoyed the video and then I forgot the video. Removing those segments doesn’t really change that.  If some people are butt hurt about


I’m perfectly fine standing thank you.  But thanks for reminding me how enlightening and educational Internet comments sections can be.  Your parents must be very proud. 

theres been a lot of people who have talked about certain things in front of their amazon echo or google home only to get an ad for those things. tbh i wouldnt call it terrifying. we know exactly how it does it. and its been happening for years. it would be creepy if a person decided to listen in, but its a computer.

“Not a long history of Republican judges siding with criminals.” lol

I know, right? We’re watching the video and laughing and then were like, wait, are the package thieves actually BUTTHURT about this? Which brought the hilarity to a whole new level.

I do wonder how many judges would say glitter and fart spray are “assault.” I’m sure some humorless Republican judge out there probably would.

Should have had the box release a cloud of 3M 77 Spray Adhesive just before releasing the glitter. 

weeded out by eHarmony’s personality test”

I totally didn’t expect the doc to be so reasonable. It’s definitely a strange way to engage with and reach men who might need a little medical intervention in this regard but he seems oddly harmless. I 100% expected the doc to be there only to scam people (and the $25 a month definitely reinforced my initial