
please bow your heads in 6 seconds of silence in remembrance

I’m a little uncomfortable with the idea that simply by providing protection against being attacked by other actors by people abusing the infrastructure of the internet, they’re complicit in terrorism. All they do is stop a specific form of abuse of the protocols to take down a website.

It’s not a situation like

Click on all the cars!

Right...? Wrong...? Who cares?

I was expecting this to be an extended metaphor related to the actual post but... I got nothing.

which included full names, ages, genders, relationship statuses, email addresses, occupations and/or schools attended, and places of residence

Well yeah, Pence policies wouldn’t be any different from Trump.

Taking Trump AND more importantly Pence out is the real kicker.

Hey a blow job is serious business but payoffs to porn stars and getting Russian aid to win the prezinitsee is just boys being boys.

Not that I don’t want His Foulness’s ass out of there, but what’s even the sense of impeaching when 2/3 of the Senate isn’t going to vote to convict?

All of these failsons and faildaughters are such a destructive joke. These fucking idiots would be lucky to be night manager at the 7-11 near my office if they werent born into imaginable privilege. The whole born on third base, thought they hit a triple line applies exquisitely to these assholes.

History is written in blood and sperm, not monuments.  Deal with it.

The parody and reality are so close!

Careful, Tom. Google’s undoubtably added you to a shit list of some sort. I would suggest probably using Duck Duck Go for a while.

yet here i am, eating vegan bacon while leaning on a hot water heater...

I hope it works a lot better than those machines in bathrooms:

I’m ok with this, but there also needs to be a scrambled egg and a toast vending machine.

Who wouldn’t choose 12 (!) slices of bacon over a pouch of bacon bits?  Unless, like other vending machines, the one you want is what everybody else wants too so it’s always empty.

This is hilarious. Hope the guy’s suspension isn’t too long.