
I just love how these people/companies are just now pulling out of this conference like before Saudi Arabia murdered this journalist they were the beacon of human rights. 

No, they make you a crown prince!

Any fines or prison terms for killing journalist? (asking for a friend)....

Khashoggi was very relatable to American and international elites in business and media with countless contacts among them. He seemed like a normal, even kind person. He talked about how things have changed for the worse. That Saudi’s used to be able to talk around the dinner table, and now even privately criticizing

Hey, nothing happened with Saudi-American relationships after 9/11, they can probably pull off the odd journalist torture-murder here and there and still get their boom toys...

Your move, FitBit. 

Yep. It’s just a matter of time before Trump’s tone changes from “It’s horrible” to “Khashoggi brought it on himself...What was he doing in the consulate?...How do we even know he went there?...Was he wearing provocative clothing?...It’s a Democratic hoax.”

For the good car needer I have a 2002 Saturn. It’s party time with this champagne paint jab, all panels in excellent shapes with high dent-resistance. Smells like vanilla oil changes religiously. Engine is a faultless, I see minor trenches of framed rust. Only need is a smooth-shifting automatic shifting 4-speed

Buy one, get diarrhea twice for free?

Fair, but seeking to pitch himself as a whistleblower exposing a potential violation of SEC disclosure rules—which offers significant rewards to him—casts suspicion on his motivation to me.

Hansen said that he told Tesla on June 12 that he had “corroborated connections between certain Tesla employees at the time and various alleged members of the Mexican drug cartel identified in the DEA report as located in Mexico, that he urged Tesla to disclose his findings to law enforcement and to the DEA task

You can argue a certain naivety and mental weakness of people who get caught up in these scams, but it’s generally not a diagnoseable mental illness.

This woman is 55?

Florida is the New England Patriots to North Carolina’s Buffalo Bills. It’s not even close.

The opioid problem is serious, and vets should take it seriously - veterinary clinics are already targeted by thieves, who (probably correctly) see them as a softer target than a pharmacy.

Edison was a great inventor in many ways, but even with the invention of the light bulb, moving pictures, etc, he seemed to have very limited insight into the evolution of electrical devices and related technologies. The light bulb, moving pictures, etc. were credited to Edison as he was the first to patent them and

also this article was typed on a tech!!!!

I am okay with they collect my location data, because that’s how I get the most helpful information from google. If anybody really wants to remain anonymous, they shouldn’t be using internet, paying with credit card, renting an apartment or walking on the street. Does my activity swayed by google ads, absolutely, but

It looks like this ship had already been discovered by South Korea’s Institute of Ocean Science and Technology in 2003. If it really was carrying 10% of the all of the gold ever mined on Earth, you think they might have mentioned it. 

Here’s a good new default coordinate for the middle of the continental U.S.: 38.25° (38°15') N., 95.80° (95°48') W. This is in the middle of the John Redmond Reservoir near Ottumwa, Kansas, a lake that’s about 5 miles across. Nobody will be knocking on the door looking for their lost property there.