
For the good car needer I have a 2002 Saturn. It’s party time with this champagne paint jab, all panels in excellent shapes with high dent-resistance. Smells like vanilla oil changes religiously. Engine is a faultless, I see minor trenches of framed rust. Only need is a smooth-shifting automatic shifting 4-speed

Fair, but seeking to pitch himself as a whistleblower exposing a potential violation of SEC disclosure rules—which offers significant rewards to him—casts suspicion on his motivation to me.

Hansen said that he told Tesla on June 12 that he had “corroborated connections between certain Tesla employees at the time and various alleged members of the Mexican drug cartel identified in the DEA report as located in Mexico, that he urged Tesla to disclose his findings to law enforcement and to the DEA task

You are correct. Iran embeds more Western ideals than Saudi Arabia. Iranians are not fanatics like the main stream media and our looney toon politicians makes it out to be. We have element in the US and Israel that makes money off of wars. Morals take backseat for them.

We actually have more in common with Iran than Saudi Arabia, which is ironic. 

15 of 19, per the article, but I couldn’t remember the exact number either. That info was sure buried and ignored quickly, wasn’t it?

Here’s a good new default coordinate for the middle of the continental U.S.: 38.25° (38°15') N., 95.80° (95°48') W. This is in the middle of the John Redmond Reservoir near Ottumwa, Kansas, a lake that’s about 5 miles across. Nobody will be knocking on the door looking for their lost property there.

What made Bourdain so special is that you don’t even need to fucking pick his life apart to figure out his “motives” or what was happening, because he had already laid it all out. He held absolutely nothing back, especially when it came to his demons. That’s why he’ll be so missed. The fact that his loved ones are