
When the internet started to grow email lists back in the early 90s, we were all excited that finally, everyone would have a voice.

Yeah, PG&E has been behind many big fires, especially in NorCal. We’ve also had fires cause by hunters that think they need a campfire at the end of summer, idiots pulling their car off into high dry grass, morons dragging a trailer with a blown tire sparking for miles, and the slightly understandable homeless camp

The leading suspect at this time is a local utility company with a history of negligence/bad safety practices.

I’m starting to think that the internet is the worst thing that ever happened to humanity. The amount of unchecked propagation of fucking stupid people spreading their stupid ideas to other stupid people will be the downfall of humanity.

Oh heh, that’s funny. It’s not about doing something decent! It’s so your location can be better tracked and relevant ads displayed to you. :p

“Clearly this is the fault of Hillary Clinton, George Soros, Barack Obama, and... ah, Rosie O’Donnell.”

I have faith they’ll manage to fuck it up some way, just give it time.

I cannot believe this.

If we can elect a president with no knowledge of history, economics, science, US government, the constitution, technology, geography or foreign relations, who are we to tell this guy he can’t follow his dreams?

Alright, no more Handmaid’s Tale for you!

50,000.00 on a government contract probably means this is 1-10 cameras. Probably for one person or site. I’d look for the other dozens of other contract suppliers that are providing similar equipment. I suspect there are cameras in the park by my house that’s somewhat of a freeway rest stop. I just wish they’d post

The short version is the court ruled against this regime because they did literally no work whatsoever to justify the reversal of Obama’s decision. The president believes “Obama made it? I will destroy it” is reason enough, but it turns out “racism” isn’t a legal defense.

Questionable. There’s definitely a bigger cO2 footprint. However, the damage caused by a tanker truck tipping on a highway and spilling a couple thousand gallons on and around a patch of highway, versus a pipeline bursting and spilling a couple hundred thousand to a couple million gallons is completely different. The

We’re getting too much oil from Canada as it is. Here’s the top four oil import countries: Canada, Saudi Arabia, Mexico and Venezuela. That’s 3.5 to 4.0 million barrels per day from Canada. Total US imports is around 8 million barrels per day. Domestic production about 11 million and we use about 19 million barrels

white people won’t be happy until all media is just grey lumps of clay with their five pre-approved “non-offensive” words.

Maybe The Simpsons should just play it safe and get rid of ALL their characters who are stereotypes, regardless if they actually have development or not.

All you motherfuckers better get out there and vote. Otherwise this country’s DONE.

The House of Saud cares about the Quran about as much as evangelical Christians in the US care about the bible. They are tools of control for these people. The Saudis claim to care about Islam, but it’s only for their subjects. They can and do whatever the fuck they want regardless what the Quran says. 

A FIFTEEN man hit squad? WTF?