
gonna go out on a limb and guess you have never left the ME...
Go spend a summer IN LA then get back to us. 

is Jack Nicholson dead trending on google 

like switching out an open mouth with an image of lips found on the internet or closed eyes with open ones found online

ok hold on, are you stating that FBM is any better? They all are on the same platform and will be merged in the very near future.

ya, “allies” like MuhammadBoneSaw which then uses that info to kill people in embassies...

“Uber Pro Diamond” rating of 4.89 out of five

perfectly put. Just gives countries an easier way to get their false flags needed to attack. No shocker that the bullies in Israel were the first to pull it off...

employee or independent contractor, if they stick together there will be no one there to service their clients, which is the point...

since your so fond of stats, why dont you look up how many of those people set themselves on fire or slit their wrists in front of others...?
These are not normal circumstances, you have to push someone real hard for them to do something that extreme....

just look at the numbers of Twitter pre and post trump and you got your answer my friends...

disrupt the space then copy what got them disrupted..? i confu 

yet 187 is allowed..????

Katie Bouman which “discovered” the black hole definitely  does not have the patience to explain to her mom how to turn on the camera... 

i have zero friends

yaaa fuk FB. I only use insta and whatsapp!!

first of all: those suckers that fell for it deserve to be scammed.

im filing a emotional distress suit gainst Kinja!

between that and the “lets plug in this flash drive” has me thinking did these agents train at the Mr. Bean Academy?? WTF!

has anyone visited their website? for someone targeting the super rich, should have done better than a failed wordpress theme..?