
$18K to watch Shazam! and Pet Sematary..???

they will all be watermarked. it will be a one off if someone pirates it and I assume thats what the 50k credit card auth is for (to be able to penalize them if it leaks)
sure this is not a lock clad system but people pirating movies will just take the current approach of taping at the local mall theater.

isnt this tech functional at the us-mexico borders?

make sure you dont step on the dead birds;)

ughhh paywalls

what a waste of time, we will all be exclusively communicating via memes and emojis in the very near future 0;-)

dude where do you get your numbers from? those fake phone ares like $5, even cheaper in bulk....anyone thats been to China and knows how to haggle knows how dirt cheap this shit is. 

incorrect, Apple did not catch this, Customs did...

this is just the start of what should be an interesting battle. Netflix is so far ahead and have to do anything they can to keep their subscribers. As content is king, lets see what tactics Apple and others use to get us to move over/sign up....

When confronted about looking up partners and exes, some NSA employees reportedly claimed they had performed the searches for practice, and one said he did it to insure his girlfriend wasn’t “involved” with any foreign government officials, among other shady excuses.

their grid is analog bro. not saying us is not interfering in every way possible but this is due to negligence... 

he seems to be morphing into one of his own dinosaurs from the JP movies....

we need to get the word to saudi women that there are apps on the playstore to throw off their lunatic husbands from their trails:
“Mock Locations”....manipulate their devices GPS to say make it seem like they are at the mall and make a run for it to the airport

watch #kingdomofsecrets on CNN from FareedZakaria

this is complete BS on behalf of the play stores but in reality it will not put an end to the app being downloaded. They can very simply provide direct downloads on their website, via text message, etc...

no sarcasm, sorry wrong site to make that request jack