
I think this is a great idea actually. Once they gather enough data, they can predict when someone should ignore the symptoms or rush to the ER...

irrelevant at this juncture, he already made a better deal with the Paki’s/

please have her seek professional help

haha, exact same 2 uses here. to test without cookies/cache and avoid those pesky paywalls. 

it rocks!! please contact me at :

its not simply the overall weight which as a safety issue but balancing. I think what this article neglected to make clear was the handlers packing into the plane are just “winging” it...

how long before we see accessories for these on the market?
pimp my ankle bracelet! (i already bought the domain suckerssss)

“can be used to block them from entering no-go zones “

I dont always fly, but when i do, i fly as the Most interesting MX in the world!

im purty sure these were required for a combination of verification (names that both genders use) and security but yes totally agree with you, in this age where there are much more specific identifiers , no need to even ask...
id number

sounds like a normal weekday in facebook 

ummm, i have seen many formal digital marketing plans, none of which have anything regarding spying on people which make fun of the founder... You are comparing apples with astronauts 

its 99% transit traffic. 

everything in Kinja is frustratingly difficult 

why are we getting distracted by the politics of this.
im scratching my head wondering how this got
approved in the first place. There was not one person in this entire company that had half a brain and didnt see this not aging well?

this is exactly why we need the wall!!! the wall equals no more drugs in the states, oh wait, what..?

you know the problem with common sense?> its not that common! i would not be surprised if a buncha fools pre-pay thousands of dollars all over again...