
Agreed it is interesting, but I would probably go APS-C like the NEX 5n or 7.

Out of curiousity, does the crop factor have any impact on this rule?

how so?

Yea... fuck science and discovery, it never got us anywhere!!!!

what part of crowded club/bar do you not understand? people are always bumping into each other trying to get to the bar and get drinks. It is not my responsibility to account for every over reacting person in the world.

haha WOW. This guy just froths at the mouth over Google....

Women are not generally expected to be polite no matter the treatment they are experiencing. Maybe some expect that of women, but they would be the minority and hopefully a shrinking minority.

Not yet it isn't, but they are trying to enable her to reach her maximum potential. That is their goal.

I optimistically think that we should be polite to one another in society, obviously not no matter the behavior against them, but a default of polite (even if it is polite rejection) doesn't seem like a bad thing.

Who is celebrating a loss of life?

Who are you to invalidate someone else's opinion?

That isn't a bad thing.

This guy is incessant, I don't get why he has such a hard on for RIM

Glad to know Paul Burt is everyone on the planet

Amazing how not everyone is you. A lot of people use their phone for music.

Is there anything wrong with taking square payments?

You should probably get a refund from your English class professor.

Perfectly put what I feel into words.

I actually agree. I bought my Touchpad to put android on it(which is working well enough), but I still boot into webOS frequently. It really was an awesome mobile OS. So sad it is basically gone.

They were not following the jury instructions.... That should be enough. At some point it shouldn't be about precedent but about logic. We told them to do A, B, and C. They decided to do D, E, and F. So their decision is not coherent with what was asked of them.