Agent Z

It’s pretty much the same defense as Lea Michele, Jonah Hill, and Ellen DeGeneres.

I’m surprised we haven’t had one.

That’s not Momo.

Thunder Girl! She flies. Like thunder.

This is career killing stuff.

And this is relevant how?

And really, what impact did she actually have anyway? Did skimpy outfits, bouncing breasts and distressed damsels vanish from video games? Why did people react like this woman single-handedly ushered some age of puritanical fascism in media?

Do you think any of the Mortal Kombat characters has The Goofy Movie as a favorite?

As the kids these days say, fuck around and find out.

Are you actually Asian or just some incel who feels the need to police Asian women's dating choices because of his own poor self-esteem?

A question I should ask you.

What the hell is this supposed to prove? Do you honestly think the vast majority of black men are with white women based on your own limited knowledge?

Why should it make you feel inferior? I’m black and know a lot of black women who are with white men. It doesn’t affect my self-esteem in the slightest. 

Stuff like this is why I laugh when people complain about current media being “sexless”?

Did you even read the article you linked to?

Protect it from who? Chronically online morons who think Princess Peach wearing pants is an attack on them?

I’d love to see him try just to see how much money he loses.

Consider this: Barack Obama actually tried to get my country’s government to accept LGBT people and all they did was pass laws that made it that much harder for them. And Obama is a million times smarter than Healy could ever pretend to be. This is the kind of thing to expect when someone with no knowledge or respect

They’re probably a lot more authentic than Matt Healy caring about LGBT people in any country.

Progress also isn’t going to be achieved by a racist moron’s obvious publicity stunt.