Agent Z

Then why didn’t Matt Healy just shut up and sing?

Healy’s idiotic stunt has put LGBT people in Malaysia in far more harm than anything Beyonce has done. If he had a problem with Malaysia’s anti-LGBT laws, he could have cancelled their appearance.

I wasn’t aware Snyder made Shazam, Birds of Prey, Suicide Squad, Black Adam or The Flash.

While the overly safe Super Mario Bros Movie from earlier this year took its IP so seriously it was like a remedial history lesson

Hilariously, that could describe just about everything you’ve said in defense of this article.

My mistake. I feel my point about the families’ words still stands. It isn’t like they’re going to just throw her back in prison on their say so.

It’s still a stupid and insensitive thing to say.

Newsom vetoing her parole had nothing to do with anything the families said or did as far as I’ve read. Newsom is a judge, the families are not.

I’m with the other commenter who said that this article is unnecessary. The truth is the victims families saying she will again is not going to affect anything. We all know that. What good is there in writing this article? 

What other response is there to have? I don’t even want to meet the person who doesn’t have an emotional response to this.

Do you not know the difference between asking for a cigarette and asking someone to aggressively mash their face into yours?

Spare us. No feeling lingers

What is with you?

Both have their pros and cons. Street Fighter’s lore is fairly straightforward and consistent compared to Mortal Kombat.

Are people still forgetting the controversy surrounding Mortal Kombat and Doom? This idea that violence has never faced any pushback is completely at odds with history. Meanwhile, there’s a new show pushing the envelope when it comes to sexual content every few months or years without any real controversy.

Well, damn.

What has she done that makes her an asshole?

Except this game isn’t being banned. And it isn’t politicians making the changes, it’s the people who own the game doing it of their own accord.

What are you talking about?

Hell, there’s plenty of porn based around this game on the Internet.