I will remember your invaluable legal advice next time I shoot a gun at a condom.
I will remember your invaluable legal advice next time I shoot a gun at a condom.
Considering he was on All That as a child, it might just be in his nature at this point. It’s all he’s ever known
She regains her faculties after that gunshot wound to her brain last week, but it doesn’t explain why she didn’t let Homelander in on her plan in regards to A-Train.
“and whatever the hell Frenchie has been up to”
And what happens to their January 6 plan?
There are two women in this story.
Wait, this is an actual AV Club article, not clickbait BS. Have the new owners actually made things better?
Joanne’s lack of awareness coming into play again, as the irony of her referring to human rights advocates as Taliban, an entity that imposes the death penalty on LGBT people. Lady, you are the Taliban, you might as well start insisting women shouldn’t be allowed outside or to drive a car if your so-called interest in…
How is it unbelievable she didn’t pop the heads of the sheep? It seems like she usually has to stand still and concentrate on the target to use her power and there were 4 or so flying sheep zipping around the sky, so if she stops to blow up one the other 3 would have just torn her to shreds.
Was...was Ivanka holding his hand when they took that picture?
And, lets face it, having to spend every day dealing with a different group trying something new is bound to get frustrating after a while even if they don’t achieve anything. She knows that just someone trying, even if they fail, invites another person to try something different. And another, and another. It just…
Username-comment synergy.
Homelander (and Neuman) both know that there’s a supe-killing virus out there ready to be mobilized as the ‘nuclear option’ (or with less restraint than that, dependent who gets to access it)...
Neuman is smart enough to know that if she tries to kill literally everyone, SOMEone will stop her. From what we’ve seen so far, she’s invulnerable to conventional human weapons, but I bet she doesn’t want to fuck around and find out if she can get hurt by Homelander’s eye lasers.
Too horny wasn’t the problem. If his messages were “Ooh, baby, I want to put my (whatever body part) in your (one of three orifices) “, he would have been fine. No one would have blinked an eye.
if the general public is that willing to drop you immediately and not a single person in the industry comes to your aid (that i recall?) it’s clear that, at the very least, he’s not someone who’s worth paying to be in a movie anymore.
you know the guy who wrote the comics isn’t american right?
The comics were a bitter and entirely justified rage against George W Bush and post-9/11 America. This might not be the right tv show for you if hitting hard at Trump is off putting.
Anyone who uses the term “TDS” unironically is not a serious person. An idiot, if you will.