Agent Z

The Elite were less about telling a good story and more about telling Superman fans what they wanted to hear.

Must... resist... obvious joke.


I don’t think a movie series that has Wheelie humping Megan Fox’s leg and a “wrecking balls” joke can be accused of having too much reverance for the source material.

Death: Look man, I’m just doing my job here!

I guess the difference is AoE Prime didn’t start out that way.

Just what is it you think she did that warranted getting shot?

Crap like this is why I never take any argument about “puritanism” in Hollywood seriously.

Not necessarily. The DGA was basically always going to get their demands (there’s not really a way to replace directors at this point) but they set some precedent and now the SGA and WGA can demand some of the same things with minimal pushback.

Here’s Straczynski saying it was Marvel (read: Quesada) making him change it to Norman.

I’m pretty sure it was Quesada who wanted to “knock Gwen off her pedestal”, not Straczynski, hence why he made Straczynski change the father to Norman.

shut the fuck up.

Don’t forget the sea witch not being evil and the mermaid not even having a name.

Most people don’t care about raceswaps. 

Why not make or boost new fantasy IP with black original characters instead of being patronised with white hand-me-downs.

Do I want to know what Daphne did that is apparently going to get her sent to hell?

It has nothing to do with realism. The old show and several others have done it that way.

I think they just went with this choice because other Transformers media have done it like Cybertron and the recent Netflix show.

So how long before Abigail Cowen gets cast as Skarlet?

Or their 16-year-old son doing their 38-year-old son doing their 38-year-old male teacher.