Agent Z

This looks exciting.

There is no reason to call it Mortal Kombat 1 when it’s the 12th game in the series. 

They gave all of them the same backstory (“I’m the child of an MK fighter and I have parental issues!”) the same storyline (“I’m in the special military forces!”) and the same personality (“I only speak Sarcasm!”)

That's not much of a compliment when those two aren't that popular to begin with.

The animations wasn’t what gave them PTSD. It was being forced to look up videos of dismemberment and execution, which wasn't a requirement for the previous games.

They are all popular.

Ah, CW Nancy Drew. The show that was once thought to be less weird than Riverdale.

If she’s so unpopular, what impact does killing her off in a Spider-Man book have? 

Why hasn't this person been banned already?

Giuliani is representing himself against the allegations.

If I were COVID, I’d let go of Trump too.


Not showing the pictures is not the same thing as not talking about this shooting. 

If no one was talking about this shooting at all, you’d have a point. But that isn’t the case. 

Respect isn’t cowardice and no one mentioned Musk.

Musk wishes he were half as smart as Wile E. Coyote.

Dear god, the memes are rewriting reality.

How is Quill written inconsistently? Hell, Gunn says Quill would have shot Gamora if she asked him to and that’s what he tried to do before Thanos came in and stopped him.

Gunn handed Quill the idiot ball from his first appearance. His criticism of how the Russos depicted Quill is only valid if you ignore how he depicted Quill in the movies he himself directed.

It wasn't just one comment that got Lemon fired.