Agent Z

I honestly don’t get how people can say that Hollywood is prudish when stuff like this gets made.

Hearing people whine about how “prudish” Hollywood has gotten when stuff like this is still being made is rich.

They don't need to make it up.

I’m not sure that was the lesson to take from Wolverine and Deadpool who have both proven you can do movies about them.

What are you talking about? She looks nothing like Karin.

I found it especially amusing how people were accusing Capcom of prudishness for having costumes with less skin and then the Internet’s lust for these characters skyrocketed with the debut of these designs. 

Even in the live action movie, he was only a villain because he stupidly believed Bison was a hero.

and through all the various interpretations, April O’Neil and Casey Jones have been their first (if not only) human allies.


Robots do. People not so much.

How so?

Uunless it's woke. In which case, always complain about it/sarcasm.

What actor was this? 

For some people, "flop" means "it didn't make more money than a country's GDP and some people on the internet complained about it".

Not that it would matter  but are the gay characters even a major focus on this show? 

“Sex and romance are two different things" to be added to long list of facts people on the internet don't know.

If he's anything like Gus, no stories will ever come put.

Chuck Norris once challenged Michelle Yeoh to a fight. The loser had to appear in Expendables 2.

I swear you people will be talking about killing a movie verse that was pretty much dead the minute Snyder stepped down from JL due to a family loss 20 years from now.

How? The BBQ guy was the one who grew disillusioned with his career after watching Okja and the drummer was the one who wrote his song all by himself. Charlie’s involvement began and ended with briefly getting to know them before they died.