Agent Z

Ddon't mention it Brian.

That trucker might be a dick, but Superman going around destroying people’s livelihoods because they’re unpleasant is a worrying use of his extreme, unstoppable power. He should be better than that.

Oh Christ, this dumb take again.

The scene wasn’t supposed to be funny.

They saw the scene where Pa Kent suggests that maybe it’s better to let people die instead of saving them.

The only person who got sucked up by the tornado was his father, who told him not to help.

I can see how people would see Snyder’s Superman as less heroic if they ignore stuff like him rescuing people from an oil fire, standing up for a woman being sexually harassed, being willing to sacrifice himself to save Earth from Zod, rescuing kids from a drowning bus when he was only a kid himself and basically just

Based on what a close lesbian friend has told me, I don’t think it’s really a thing anymore for heterosexual men to ogle over two women kissing.

How sad would it be if said husband was a perfectly nice person and the wife is just as awful as Jones?

And a married woman at that.

W sure seem to show and talk about sex a lot for something so taboo.

Do you have a problem with reading comprehension?

None of the Marvel movies were directed by a Polanski supporter, so they've got that going for them.

I wonder if Roman Polanski is one of those heroes he sees every day. It must be why he signed a petition supporting him.

Tell this to the Native Americans who criticized and boycotted it. 

The Democrats aren't attacking Trump. They're defending themselves and the country from him.

I don't know. How many people who watch Rick and Morty would be aware of this?



Most movie going audiences don’t care that much about what an actor does off the set. Unless Cruise turns out to have killed someone, people will ignore the scientology stuff (which most don’t know about or understand why it’s so bad).